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5 Frame Wax Dipped Honey Bee Single Story Swarm Catching Hive - Assembled

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Product Overview

5 Frame Wax Dipped Honey Bee Swarm Catching Special

If you want to put out a trap to catch a swarm of bees in, then our 5 frame nuc swarm catching special is the hive that you need! To use as a swarm catcher, simply place the hive on a pallet or on cement blocks wherever you would like to permanently keep the hive - there is no need to place the box up high in a tree. The heavy wax coating on the plastic foundation of the frames will lure the scout bees right to the hive, and in turn, the scout bees will bring the swarm right to the box. As an added bonus, wax moths and other creatures are unable to damage the plastic foundation in the frames, unlike beeswax foundation.

ALL NEW!! All of our bee hives come with your choice of Triple Waxed plastic one piece frames, or assembled wooden frames with Triple Waxed foundation! These frames / foundations have the heaviest coating of wax available on the market!! The heavier coating of wax helps promote the bees acceptance, and the fresh, natural aroma of the wax helps encourage the bees to start working on it (prevents bees from leaving the hive after being installed, unlike lower grade foundations with less wax coating, found in cheaper hive setups). Your choice of all natural yellow, like beeswax, or black deep. Why settle for less?

Please note: The difference in colors has nothing to do with the bees acceptance; it all has to do with the preference of each beekeeper. The black foundation makes it easy to find out if your queen is alive and laying well: it is easy to see the small white eggs against the black background, so you don't have to see your queen to know that you have one. It also makes it easier to tell if you have a drone layer. Yellow foundation is more like actual beeswax, and it is quite often more preferred by a lot of our customers.

Bee Hive Features:

  • Assembled / Wax Dipped Deep 9-5/8" 5 Frame Nuc Hive Body with 5 Assembled Wooden Frames or Plastic One Piece Frames FEATURING Triple wax coatings
  • Assembled / Wax Dipped Telescoping Cover
  • Wax Dipped Wooden Inner Cover
  • Your Choice - Assembled / Wax Dipped Solid Bottom Board or Screened Bottom Board

This hive is assembled using commercial grade hive body parts; expect some knots & cracks on wax dipped surfaces.


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Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply
Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply