Comprehensive listing of some the most valuable beekeeping resources available, to help both new and experienced bee keepers learn all they can about the fascinating world of honey bees and beekeeping!
* General Links *
The Honey Bee Health Coalition has collaboratively developed best management practices to help protect honey bees and other pollinators in and around soybean fields. Find tons of information on best management practices to help keep your honey bees healthy and alive!
The Bee Informed Partnership was formed to help take the guess work out of beekeeping management.
Pollinator Partnership’s mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. They manage various programs that promote pollinator health and provide public and private partners with the tools to get involved.
The American Bee Journal has been published since 1861 for hobby and commercial beekeepers, bee supply dealers, queen breeders, package-bee shippers, honey packers, and entomologists. Their monthly issues contain very informative and educational articles regarding the honey bee and beekeeping.
A standard in the beekeeping industry today, Bee Culture is one of the leading magazines for informative articles pertaining to beekeeping and the honey bee, geared towards helping both new and experienced beekeepers take better care of their bees!
Honey is nature's finest work. Discover honey recipes, where to buy honey, information about honeybees, and resources for honey professionals.
The Beesource Beekeeping website has experienced organic, word of mouth growth ever since it got started in 1997. Today, has over 28,000 registered members and is the most active online beekeeping community of its kind in the world. If you are interested in beekeeping information, visit their active online beekeeping forums to read and learn from what thousands of others have shared online. has some very informative articles about all types of bees. Definitely worth checking out!
Very helpful guide to identifying where the bees are collecting pollen from at different times of the year!
List of Pollen Sources / Colors
* United States *
The Apiary Inspectors of America is a non-profit organization established to promote better beekeeping conditions in North America. Find listings on how to contact your state's apiary inspection services, to learn about all the rules & regulations for beekeeping in your state.
Vegas Bees does not exterminate or harm honey bees; we are dedicated beekeepers who perform humane, no-kill bee removal services.
The American Honey Producers Association is an organization of beekeepers, for beekeepers, and has a website filled with useful information!
American Honey Producers Association
The NASA Honey Bee Forage Map is a very handy map of the United States and the different areas of foraging for bees. Click on your area of the map to see a list of honey bee forage species and their blooming periods for any region within that state!
For more than 75 years, the American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) has been working in the interest of all beekeepers, large and small, and those associated with the beekeeping industry to ensure the future of the honey bee. They have a very informative website and we encourage every beekeeper to visit it!
American Beekeeping Federation
University of Georgia Honey Bee Program
* Australia *
The Aussie Bee website includes a lot of helpful information about honey bees and beekeeping in Australia
Tasmanian Beekeepers Association
Beekeepers' Society of South Australia
ACT Beekeepers Association / Canberra Region Beekeepers
The AHBIC is the national representative body for the honey bee industry. Their mission is to maximize the efficient use of industry resources and funds to ensure the long term economic viability, security and prosperity of the Australian honey bee industry in Australia. Their website has a lot of helpful knowledge for Australian beekeepers.
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
* Canada *
Calgary & District Beekeepers Association
Ontario Beekeepers' Association
Thunder Bay Beekeepers' Association
Saskatchewan Beekeepers Development Commission
* France *
* Greece *
* Hungary *
* Iceland *
* Italy *
* Japan *
* Mexico *
* Netherlands *
* Philippines *
* United Kingdom *
Scottish Beekeepers' Association
The British Beekeepers Association
Hampshire Beekeepers' Association
Northamptonshire Beekeepers' Association
Somerset Beekeepers' Association