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Beekeeping Clubs & Classes By State

We are very enthusiastic with helping to spread the knowledge of beekeeping to people everywhere. Please click on the links below to find information about your local bee clubs, college courses on keeping honey bees, and state beekeeping associations. If you would like to have your club information added to our list, please click this link to fill out and submit the form.

*Please note: if you are hosting a beekeeping conference or seminar, or a weekly / monthly bee club, and you would like some donations and our company literature hand outs, we would be more than happy to send them to you. Please fill out the information at the above link and include the club name, date of conference / meeting, how many attendees are expected, and the address to send everything to. Thank you!





Looking for where to buy free shipping, quality beekeeping supplies? Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy all the high quality, affordable bee keeping equipment that any beekeeper could ever need, from beginner to experienced! Our bee supplier company is dedicated to educating beginning beekeepers and providing them with the best honey bees and beekeeping supplies available. We promote successful and healthy beekeeping, offer mountains of beekeeping 101 knowledge, and we want to start you on your excellent beekeeping journey today! We offer free shipping on orders over $100 to all across the USA!

Wondering what exact beekeeping equipment you will need to start your beekeeping adventure with? To make it super easy, we have different levels of beekeeping starter kits available, depending on your budget. These kits include completely assembled and painted Langstroth bee hives, available in both 8 frame and 10 frame sizes. Choose from a single deep set up, a two story deep hive set up, or a complete four story bee hive set up, with two deeps and two honey supers. Also includes a full bee suit (or choice of ventilated bee suit), leather beekeeping gloves, smoker and smoker fuel, hive tool and bee brush, in hive frame feeder, and an all important, highly informational beekeeping book. Also includes your choice of a solid bottom board or a screened bottom board, Bee Culture or American Bee Journal one year free subscription, and the complete Honey Master four story hive kit features a plastic queen excluder! To top it all off, every one of our beginner kits includes free shipping to anywhere in the lower 48 United States! With so many different choices and so many bonus additional items, our beginner beekeeping kits are tough to beat!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Beginning Beekeeping Kits!


No matter if you are looking for a bee suit or a bee jacket, you can find exactly what you need at Lappe's Bee Supply online catalog! Choose from a standard round veil suit, jacket or pants; a ventilated round veil suit, jacket or pants; or a square veil commercial grade bee suit. We also carry goatskin leather beekeeping gloves or cowhide leather gloves, and pullover protective veils for those quick trips into the bee yard. Looking for a bee suit or jacket for your little beginning beekeepers? We carry a full line of children's bee suits and gloves, as well as kids ventilated bee suits and jackets! We also offer boot bands, sweat bands and nitrile gloves. Our online catalog has over 28 products to suit whatever your protective beekeeping clothing needs are!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Protective Beekeeping Clothing Now!


Choose from a wide variety of some of the best beekeeping books and magazines available in the industry! All of these books contain wonderful beekeeping 101 to help you out along your bee keeper path, and the magazines help you keep on top of important information and beekeeping tips. You can spend hours reading all of these books to gain your own fountain of beekeeping knowledge!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Beekeeping Books Now!


Looking for a gift for that special beekeeper in your life, or maybe just a small present for yourself? At Lappe's Bee Supply, we pride ourselves on our large inventory of neat gifts and other beekeeping items! We offer key chains, bumper stickers, Christmas Honey Bee Lights, Christmas ornaments, honey bee dish towels, handmade honey soap, cookie cutters in fun beekeeping shapes, honey bee jewelry, honey candy, honey bee salt and pepper shakers, and much more - in fact, over 50 items are available!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Gifts For Beekeepers Now!


We have hundreds of pounds of beeswax available at any given time in the year! Choose from yellow or white beeswax pellets, one pound blocks of industrial grade beeswax and pure yellow bees wax, or one pound sacks of yellow beeswax melting cubes. We process all of this fresh beeswax ourselves, so you can always be assured of receiving 100% pure beeswax when you purchase from us!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop 100% Pure Bees Wax Now!


Protecting your bees from the cold winter weather is one of the most important things that you can do, and Lappe's Bee Supply wants to help you give your bees the best chance of winter survival that you can! Products include winter quilt boxes and overwintering insulation heater boxes; Bee Cozy winter bee hive insulation wraps; bee hive moisture boards and inner cover insulation sheets; winter candy board feeders and AP23 winter patties. No matter what you need, Lappe's carries it all!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Winter Beekeeping Supplies Now!


Lappe's Bee Supply is also a Midwest supplier of live honey bees! We offer free shipping queen honey bees to anywhere in the United States - in fact, we are one of the top queen bee suppliers! We ship queens twice weekly from April through September, and we are completely focused on providing the best queen bees to beekeepers all across the country! Every spring we host 2 or 3 pick up days for our packages of Italian, Carniolan and Saskatraz honey bees. We offer our packages for pick up only; shipping packages can be detrimental to the honey bee's health, so we will not do any shipping of the packages. Here at Lappe's Bee Supply we are interested in more than just the one time sale, we strive to build lasting relationships with all of our customers. Every year, starting in May, we also offer top quality 5 frame nucs as well. To keep up with the needs of our customers we produce 1,000 to 1,500 honey bee nucs. Nucs are similar to a mini working bee hive, containing brood of all stages, worker bees, nurse bees, drone bees, and a marked, young laying queen. Nucs are preferred by beekeepers due to the ease of placing them into their Langstroth beehives. Just like the packaged bees, we will not ship the nucs due to the negative effects on the bees. We want all of our customers to have happy, healthy, thriving hives!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Nucs, Queens & Package Bees Now!


Langstroth bee hives are the most widely used style of bee hives, because the design is similar to a natural bee hive, which works better for the bees, and it's also fairly simple to do bee work with, which works better for the beekeeper! Offered in both 8 frame and 10 frame sizes, all of our bee hives come assembled, painted and ready to use - just add the honey bees! Also available in 5 different hive set ups, depending on your need: single deep starter hive, 1-1/2 story, 2 story deep boxes, 4 story 6-5/8" boxes, and 4 story Premium hive. All of the frames in our bee hives are assembled with Premier brand Platinum extra heavy wax coated plastic foundation, which we have found is accepted the best by honey bees compared to the competition. Try it today to see for yourself!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Langstroth Bee Hives Now!


Along with the bee hives, we also carry an extensive line of Langstroth bee hive components and supplies. Our online catalog contains over 80 products for both 8 frame and 10 frame bee hives, and includes solid bottom boards, screened bottom boards, inner covers, telescoping lids, propolis traps, frame spacers and frame building accessories, different sizes of entrance discs, metal entrance reducers (which work wonderfully to keep mice out of bee hives!), plastic bee hive frames and wooden bee hive frames, Pierco brand double and triple waxed plastic foundation, queen excluders, and various other pieces of unassembled frames and boxes, and assembled and painted equipment.

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Beekeeping Supplies Now!


Another major part of taking care of honey bees is feeding them. We offer premixed syrup, dry pollen substitute, and both winter and spring pollen patties. After testing several brands of patties on our own bees, we found that the bees devoured Dadant brand AP23 patties, compared to other brands, which is why the AP23 patties are the main ones that we offer. You can also find any type of feeder that you are looking for in our catalog, including the popular in hive frame feeders and the front entrance feeders. In this section, you can also find medications and pest control products, including small hive beetle traps, ant barrier coating, Varroa Mite testing products and treatment products, such as Apivar and Oxalic Acid Vaporizers. We also carry an extensive line of queen rearing supplies.

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Bee Feed & Feeders Now!


Looking for bee hive tools and smokers? We have everything you need! Our product line contains economy hive tools in various colors (which makes them easier to find when accidentally dropped!), J Hook hive tools in various colors, stainless steel hive tools, queen excluder cleaning tools, bee brushes, frame spacing tools, frame grips, four different sizes of beekeeping smokers, and various types of smoker fuel. Over 30 products in all!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Bee Hive Tools & Smokers Now!


The main part of the bee season ends with honey extracting time, and Lappe's carries all of the essential tools and supplies that you will need to get that beautiful, delicious honey harvested, processed and bottled! In this section we offer over 90 products, including bee escapes, fume boards, uncapping knives, extractors, filters, buckets, honey gates and more! We carry the complete line of Maxant honey processing equipment, so if you are located anywhere around us, you can come and pick up your order to save a lot on shipping charges! We also offer different sizes of food grade plastic pails and buckets with lids, a good selection of glass honey containers and bottles, and one of the largest lines of plastic honey containers available from anywhere in the beekeeping industry!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Honey Harvesting & Bottling Supplies Now!


Another large line that we carry and are currently adding to is our crafting supplies. Included in this area are candle molds, candle wicks and other candle making supplies; lip balm kits and supplies; glass mead bottles, corks and mead making kits; creamed honey supplies; stainless steel beeswax melting pots and various other soap making supplies. Over 45 items in all, and adding more into our inventory!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Crafting Supplies Now!


On top of all of this, Lappe's Bee Supply is a family of second and third generations of beekeepers! We have tons of beekeeping knowledge from almost 50 years of beekeeping experience! We offer our delicious honey in various sizes, including 2 ounce, 12 ounce, 1 pound, 2 pound, 3 pound, 5 pound, 60 pound, and even bulk 55 gallon drums! We also supply fresh pollen and delicately smooth creamed honey all across the United States!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Pure Iowa Honey Now!


Contact Us

If you are near us around East Peru, stop on in and see us! We are located at 117 Florence Avenue, East Peru IA 50222, just off of Highway G68, directly to the West of the Main part of town. Our back entrance is just off of Brown St. We are 45 minutes Southwest of Des Moines Iowa. We can also be reached by phone during business hours at 641-728-4361, or send us an email to We are always happy to talk with you! Learn how to become a producer of sweet honey from Lappe's Bee Supply! Regardless if you are located in the Midwest, the West Coast, the East Coast, the Southern States, or the Mountain areas in between in the USA, we have the beekeeping supplies and bee hives you need! We want to help you on your long, exciting journey in every way that we can to be well educated and get into the fast lane for successful beekeeping!

Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply
Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply