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California Beginning Bee Keeping Supplies Queen HoneyBeesOnline For Sale In CA

California Free Shipping Beginning Beekeeping Supplies Bees For Sale in California 305 x 296 | Bees For Sale California | Queen Bees For Sale California | California Bees For Sale | California Honey Bee | Package Bees For Sale California | Bees For Sale In California | Queen Bee For Sale California | California Bees | California Bee | Bees In California | Honey Bees For Sale California | California beginning beekeeping supplies | free shipping California honey bee supplies for sale | Bee hives | beehive for sale in California

Beekeeping Supplies & Honey Bee Supplies at Lappe's Bee Supply

Free Shipping California Beekeeping Supplies


Free Shipping California Honey Bee Supplies

Lappe's Bee Supply is one of the top suppliers of Free Shipping California Beekeeping Supplies to California Beekeepers! If you're looking for where to buy Free Shipping California Honey Bee Supplies, Lappe's Bee Supply carries all of the Honeybee Supplies California Beekeepers need, from the beginner beekeeper just beginning, to the hobbyist, to the commercial beekeeper, to the professional! We offer free shipping on most online orders over $100! We are always happy to have our customers stop by and visit with us, so we can answer all of your beekeeping questions!

California Free Shipping Honey Bee Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bees For Sale Online

Lappe's Bee Supply and Honey Farm LLC is a top online supplier shop of free shipping honey bee supplies for sale in California!

If you are searching for where to buy premium California free shipping honeybee supplies or California free shipping honeybee supplies online, Lappe's Bee Supply is your answer! We offer free shipping on orders over $100.

We carry everything a beekeeper could need in order to get the best results, from Langstroth bee hives and 5 frame, 8 frame and 10 frame Langstroth beehive components, to protective beekeeping clothing and bee suits, beekeeping tools, treatments, and tons of additional beekeeping supplies! Plus, we have everything a person could need to start beekeeping with, in our beginning / beginner beekeeping supplies with free shipping to anywhere in the USA!

local-beekeeping-clubs-classes.jpg  Click here to view California Beekeeping Clubs Listings

Looking for where to buy a beginning beekeeping kit, supplies and bees for sale in California?

Lappe's Bee Supply and Honey Farm LLC is the answer! We are a premier bee supply company, supplier of an extensive line of the best beekeeping supplies, equipment and bees available in the industry that any beekeeper could ever need, from the beginner to the experienced; from the hobbyist to the commercial beekeeper! We are also one of the top bee hive suppliers in the United States. Lappe's Bee Supply is dedicated to helping educate beginner beekeepers and provide them with all of the essential beekeeping supplies that they will ever need. We promote successful and healthy beekeeping, offering quality beekeeping supplies and tons of beekeeping 101 knowledge, and we can help you on how to start beekeeping and how to raise honey bees. Be sure to check out our online website, where you can find our beekeeping supplies clearance area, the Bargain Bin! We're one of the largest online stores around, with hundreds of crucial beekeeping products! Honey bees for sale California

Are you a new beekeeper in California looking for complete painted assembled ready to use beginning beekeeping starter kits for sale? We offer some of the best beginner Langstroth beehives for starting a honey bee colony!

  • Wondering what exact beekeeping equipment you will need to start your beekeeping adventure with? Interested in starting a honey bee hive of your own? To make it super easy, we have different levels of beekeeping starter kits with the best beehives available, depending on your budget. These kits include completely assembled and painted USA Langstroth bee hives (honey bee house), available in both 8 frame and 10 frame sizes. These bee hives for beginners are ready to use, right out of the box! Choose from a single deep set up, a two story deep hive set up, or a complete four story bee hive set up, with two deeps and two honey supers. All of the bee hive frames in our beginner kits are assembled using our custom made sheets of Lappe's Extreme Triple wax foundation - it's the highest wax content plastic foundation available on the market, and provides the highest acceptance rate possible with your honey bees. Foundation comes in your choice of colors - choose from all yellow, like natural beeswax, black deeps / yellow honey supers, or black deeps / white honey supers. Also includes a full bee suit (or choice of ventilated bee suit), leather beekeeping gloves, smoker and smoker fuel, hive tool and bee brush, in hive frame feeder, and an all important, highly informational beekeeping book. Also includes your choice of a solid bottom board or a screened bottom board, Bee Culture or American Bee Journal one year free subscription, and the complete Honey Master four story hive kit features a plastic queen excluder! To top it all off, every one of our beginner kits includes free shipping to anywhere in the lower 48 United States! With so many different choices and so many bonus additional items, our beginner beekeeping kits are tough to beat!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Beginning Beekeeping Kits Now!


2025 California Live Italian Carniolan Saskatraz Honey Bees For Sale In California Free Shipping

Lappe's Bee Supply is committed to supplying beekeepers all around the United States with the highest quality package bees, honey bee nucs and queen honey bees available. We are one of the top supplier companies of live honey bees in the United States. We have had customers come from every one of the lower 48 states to pick up our Italian, Saskatraz and Carniolan honey bee nucs and 3 pound packages. A lot of beekeepers wonder, "Where can I buy live honey bees for sale?" Buy your honey bees from Lappe's Bee Supply! Bees play an important part in agriculture, and we strive to help that part of the agricultural sector succeed as best as possible! Place your order on our easy to use online website today! Bees in California


Lappe's Bee Supply is one of the BEST shipping companies of the highest quality queen bees in the United States! We ship queens on a twice weekly schedule from early April through September. We are experienced in shipping queen honey bees safely, and we focus on providing superb queen honey bees to beekeepers all across the country. We offer free shipping on orders of 3 or more queens, and we ship them to every single state in the United States, with the exception of Hawaii! Unlike packaged honey bees and nucs, queen bees are very easy to ship, with no negative side effects at all, as long as they are shipped correctly, and at Lappe's Bee Supply, we are extremely knowledgeable in the correct shipping of queen bees! Queen bee for sale California

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Queen Honey Bees Now!

At Lappe's Bee Supply, we start our Italian, Carniolan and Saskatraz honeybee nucs out on new equipment in the early spring. Since it is all new equipment, there's no need to worry about receiving old, potentially diseased combs and beehive frames. Our nucs are also inspected by the state inspector before they go to beekeepers. Yearly we produce around 1,000 to 1,500 bee nucs to meet the needs of our beekeeping customers. Nucs are preferred by most beginning beekeepers due to the ease of hiving them into the deep brood nest boxes in the bee yard. Each nuc contains a mated, gentle young queen bee who has been marked with the color for the current year. Each bee queen has been egg laying for an extended length of time, and the bee hive frames will contain brood of all stages from that queen. This will guarantee that every worker bee in the nuc will be adjusted to the queen's pheromones. Nucs contain a mixture of worker bees - foragers, nurse bees, guard bees and drones. Nucs are like a working mini bee hive, and will be ready to transfer into your Langstroth wooden beehive once you get to your apiary. These nucs and the honeybees they contain will be ready for optimum honey production for that first big honey flow! Nucs are not recommended for shipping, due to the negative effects on the bees, so we offer the nucs for pick up only.

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Honeybee Nucs Now!


We offer honeybee packages for sale for those interested in starting a bee hive with packaged bees. Orders start in January of each year, and have several pick up dates available during early spring, in April and May. Our package bees are brought to us by experienced suppliers with over 25 years of experience in transporting bees, and they strive to help us provide our customers with healthy, quality bees. The bees are kept at just the right temperature in special climate controlled trailers, ensuring that they are kept cool enough to keep them from getting too stressed during their journey, so they arrive to us in excellent condition. Only the suppliers who are most interested in the health of the bees understand this crucial step in the shipping process. Each package of bees comes with a young, mated queen bee, each one ready and waiting for the female worker bees to build out the brood nest comb, so that they can begin laying eggs to start raising bees from the larva and build up the colony of bees. There is nothing better than to have strong honey bee hives and to hear the buzzing of happy, healthy bees. Our customers come from all around to pick up our outstanding packages to start new honey bee colonies, or to expand their colonies in their apiaries. These bees are great for new hobbyist beekeepers just starting out, no matter if they are interested in urban beekeeping, backyard beekeeping or natural beekeeping.

We also offer live packages of honey bees shipped to anywhere in the lower 48 United States! Different breeds and different shipping dates are available, so be sure to get yours ordered early to ensure your bee selection will be available! Package bees for sale California

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Package Honey Bees Now!

Lappe's Bee Supply online honey bee supplier company honey bees for sale free USA shipping most orders


California Beekeeping Supplies For Sale In California Free Shipping

There are lots of frequently asked questions that California beekeepers ask us, including:

How Do I Get Started In Beekeeping?

1. First of all, educate yourself on beekeeping!

The best way to gain knowledge is by working the bees; however, before you start beekeeping you need to be familiar with the bees needs and beekeeping terminology. There are lots of excellent books on beekeeping - several can be found here on our online store!

2. Purchase your bee hives and equipment.

You can either purchase supplies separately, or buy everything together in a beginning beekeeping starter kit. (We have some great kits to buy online here - we have different kits available to fit every budget!) Shop for them now!

3. Order your bees from a reputable supplier!

You need to purchase either a package of bees or a honeybee nuc to start out with. Please be aware, you can't start with just a queen! The queen needs all of the workers that come in the package or the nuc to take care of her. Make sure you purchase bees from a well known source - check them out through local beekeeping clubs or check all of their online Google reviews and Better Business Bureau registered complaints. We always recommend buying from a local source so you can pick the bees up in person! It may be more convenient for you to have them delivered to your door or local post office, but it's not always best for the bees, and more often than not you end up with ruined bees and a large amount of money wasted.

4. Set up your hive(s) and introduce the bees into their new home.

If introducing a package of bees, see our handy instructions here. If introducing a nuc of honey bees, see those instructions here.

5. Feed the bees!

More than likely, when you start your bees, there will not be many natural food supplies available for the bees. Your 5 frame nuc should come with some feed already in the frames, but with new bees hatching it won't take your hive very long to use it all up. If you get a package of bees, they won't have any feed ready for them at all. Feed Your Bees!!

6. Check on the bees!

Check on the bees every week and a half to two weeks. Make sure they are filling up the frames of the bee hive, that they have enough feed, and that they are not running out of room. Treat for Varroa mites in the spring and in the fall: you need to keep your bees healthy to ensure their survival and your success as a beekeeper!

What rules are there for beekeeping in my area?

Every state has different rules / regulations regarding beekeeping, and some cities have their own rules as well. It's always best to check first with your city or town council, then with the Department of Agriculture for your state.


Save money on great beekeeping supplies when you shop online at Lappe's Bee Supply!

What kinds of sales and deals do you offer? Do you offer free shipping?

We have different sales available each week, plus bigger sales at certain times of the year, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Spring Fever sales events. We offer free ground shipping on most orders over $100 in the lower 48 states; some exclusions do apply. We also offer Colony Cash Reward Credits, where you earn 3.2% back on every single order that you place with us. Just make sure that you are logged into your account, place your order, and during the checkout the discount that you have on file will automatically be applied to your order. There is no fee to participate in our Colony Cash Rewards program, ever! That's right - Lappe's Bee Supply doesn't believe in making you spend money to be part of a program that is supposed to save you money! Also, check out our Bargain Bin department on our website where we have numerous products on clearance.

How hard is it to keep honey bees?

Keeping honey bees is not hard, but it does take quite a bit of work and understanding. This isn't a hobby where you can just put the bees in the box and they magically take care of themselves with no more effort on your part!


Where can I buy high quality beekeeping supplies and honeybees at affordable prices?

At Lappe's Bee Supply online beekeeping store, of course! We offer an extensive line of beekeeping supplies and bee hive equipment and components, plus lots of extra products that any beekeeper could need! We have the biggest rewards system in the beekeeping industry at 3.2% back; we also have an experienced and knowledgeable staff who are willing to help you out with any of your beekeeping questions!!

Lappe's Bee Supply is a 2025 supplier producer and manufacturer of quality beekeeping supplies and honey bee supplies. Shop our complete line of the highest quality, most affordable beekeeping supplies today, and receive free shipping on most orders over $100! If you're looking for beekeeping supplies near me, Lappe's Bee Supply offers all of the bee keeping supplies you will need, plus we offer free shipping honey bee supplies to everywhere across the United States! We offer all of the fundamental beekeeping supplies a beekeeper needs, including Langstroth beehives and bee hive components in 8 frame and 10 frame; winter beekeeping supplies and Bee Cozy winter bee hive insulation wraps; a full line of beekeeping protective clothing and protective wear, including bee suits and ventilated bee jackets; and an extensive line of bee hive tools and hand tools, and beekeeping smokers and smoker fuel. Looking for varroa mite treatments for honey bee health? We carry honeybee medications and oxalic acid vaporizers for treating your honey bee colonies for varroa mites. Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy AP23 winter patties and AP23 spring pollen patties from Dadant, along with front entrance feeders, in hive feeders, liquid bee feed and honey bee feed supplements and stimulants. We also supply an extensive catalog of honey harvesting extracting supplies and, if you're looking for a high quality, dependable and durable honey extractor, we carry some of the best extractors in the beekeepers industry! We also carry a few beekeeping supplies from Mann Lake. Looking for honey bee crafting supplies? We carry a wide range of supplies, including 100% pure 1 pound beeswax blocks, industrial grade bees wax, bulk beeswax blocks, white and yellow honey beeswax pellets, mead making supplies, candle making supplies and even pure beeswax candles! We also have a supply of just pure, delicious, light golden clover honey and raw honey in 12 pound gallon pails and bulk 60 pound buckets, and in 55 gallon drums and barrels.

Shop our online store for an unlimited supply of beekeeping items! PLUS! We have the largest rewards program in the beekeeping industry - AND - it's the easiest to use! No coupon codes needed! Just log into your account and place your order - our system will automatically deduct the cash amount of your rewards from your order during check out - it's as easy as that! Shop our online catalog today!

Beginning Beekeeping Supplies For Sale Free Shipping - Just starting out on your new first year's beekeeping adventure in 2022? Looking around for where to buy beginner beekeeping supplies for sale, free shipping in the USA? Lappe's Bee Supply has some of the best quality in depth starter kits on the market today that a hobbyist beekeeper will need, from the basic for those on a budget, on up to the full Honey Master that includes everything needed! Kits include painted, assembled and ready to use wooden Langstroth bee hives with Pierco Triple wax coated foundation in the frames, tools and protective clothing - all that you need to add are the honey bees! Review our 8 frame and 10 frame beginning beekeeping kits today! Free shipping to anywhere around the United States! Beginning Beekeeping supplies kits for sale for a new beekeeper in California!

Protective Clothing & Bee Suits For Sale - No matter if you're in need of a full bee suit, bee jacket, kids bee suits, new beekeeping gloves, or just a protective veil for a quick apiary inspection, we have you covered with everything needed to protect from stings! Try out our durable triple layered ventilated suits and jackets-the coolest in the industry!

Beekeeping Books & Magazines For Sale - Our large selection of beekeeping books has something for everyone, from the beginning beekeeper to the expert, hobbyist or commercial. Stay on top of current findings & news with subscriptions to the American Bee Journal and Bee Culture, the two most popular magazines in the beekeeping industry!

100% Pure Beeswax For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply is an California supplier of 100% pure beeswax. We have filtered and raw beeswax available in pellets, granules, beads, pastilles, chips, pearls; 1 pound blocks and in bulk 35 to 40 pound blocks. Yellow and white beeswax can be used in candle making, lubrication for archery bow strings, lip balm, soaps, crayons & also for some candy making, including jelly beans & gummy bears. Industrial grade is in furniture & shoe polish, woodworking & as a coating for surfboards. These are just a few of the used for beeswax; there are literally thousands of other uses for this versatile product of the bee hive! Free Shipping on bulk beeswax pellets and beeswax blocks! Pure raw filtered yellow white dark beeswax for sale in California.

Honey For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply is a supplier company of raw local honey for sale, located in the Midwest United States. Buy our delicious local honey online, it is available in various sizes from 2 oz. up to 60 pounds & in 55 gallon drums as well. We also offer our very popular, ultra smooth creamed honey & fresh bee pollen. Our honey is always pure honey, you can always be guaranteed that nothing is ever added - it comes to you straight from the comb! Honey for sale in California.

Migratory Pallets For Sale - Buy 8 frame or 10 frame migratory 4 way pallets to use for your bee hives and make moving your bees an easy job! Lift easily with fork lift and move to a different location. Our migratory pallets are built to be durable and work well for both back yard hobbyist and commercial beekeepers. Pallets can hold 4 bee hives. Migratory pallets from Lappe's Bee Supply are sturdy and well built. The top is constructed with an exterior grade 5/8" plywood panel, suitable for long term exposure to weather. The plywood has not been treated with pesticide, so it is non toxic to honey bees. The bottom is made from 2x4 and 5/8" lumber, both have been treated for long term ground contact exposure. Migratory pallets are screwed together with 2-1/2" screws. 4 "W" style pallet clips are installed on each pallet.

5 Frame, 8 Frame, 10 Frame Langstroth Bee Hives For Sale Free Shipping - Lappe's offers several different Langstroth beehives to fit each beekeepers budget, from first year's through experienced. We also offer the choice of a solid or screened bottom board, and all wooden frames in our honeybee hives are assembled with Pierco Triple wax coated foundation, which is the highest amount of wax coating available in the USA, exclusively from Lappe's Bee Supply - you (and your bees!) won't be disappointed! Langstroth bee hives for sale in California.

Winter Beekeeping Supplies For Sale- Protect your bees with our winter bee supplies and give them the best chance at winter survival that you can! With products like the Bee Cozy winter bee hive black insulation wraps / covers, the all important moisture boards, winter candy board feeders, metal entrance reducers / mouse guards, AP23 winter patties (the best on the market!), HiveAlive fondant patties winter honey bee feed, dry sugar bee feed, the ever popular bee hive winter quilt box with wood shavings, and our overwintering insulating heater boxes, we sell a complete line of winter beekeeping supplies with everything you need in 5 frame, 8 frame and 10 frame sizes to help get your honey bees ready for those long, cold winter months! Winter beekeeping supplies for sale in California.

Beekeeping Tools & Smokers For Sale - Choose from our extensive line of beekeeping tools and smokers, including: different sizes of bee smokers to fit your needs, copper smokers and kids smokers; bee brushes; swarm catcher bags; different styles of hive tools, including different colors of J Hook, EZ Pry, Beekeepers Best and standard economy hive tools available in multiple colors; frame grips; bee hive straps; some of the best types of smoker fuel available, including twine & burlap; and the best frame perch available on the market, with no welded pieces to break off!

Bee Feed & Feeders, Bee Medications, Queen Rearing Supplies For Sale - Looking for a certain style of bee feeder? Look no further than Lappe's Bee Supply! We offer lots of different styles of feeders, because feeding bees is a very crucial step of beekeeping, and there are so many different preferences as to how to feed them! Also included in this category are important treatments against Varroa mites and small hive beetles, and if you're thinking about raising your own queens, check out our extensive line of queen rearing supplies to get you going!

5 Frame, 8 Frame, 10 Frame Langstroth Bee Hive Components For Sale - We offer a large online selection of the highest quality beekeeping supplies - we have all of the bee keeping equipment needed for the hobbyist to the professional! Choose from 5 frame, 8 frame or 10 frame beehive components, assembled and unassembled bee hive frames, plastic one piece frames, and bee hive accessories. We also carry one of the top USA brands of beeswax coated plastic foundation - Pierco foundation, available in both double wax coated and triple wax coated! Try it today to see for yourself how well the bees like it!

Honey Extracting & Honey Bottling Supplies For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply carries a full line of honey extracting & bottling equipment, including uncapping tools, harvesting supplies, comb honey tools, Maxant Honey Processing equipment, honey extractors & spinners, honey bottling tanks & supplies, honey filters, & an extensive selection of glass honey bottles & plastic honey containers - everything you need to process your honey harvest! Honey extracting bottling supplies equipment for sale in California.

Craft Supplies For Sale - From soap making and candle making, to lip balm and creamed honey, Lappe's Bee Supply has you covered for all of the products you need to use to produce your bee related crafts! Choose from our extensive line of soap molds, candle and wax molds; candle wax dye blocks and chips; creamed honey flavorings and creamed honey mixers; candle wicks; mead making kits; decorative candle lids; wax melting pots and more!


California Queenline Skep Muth Honey Bear Glass and Plastic Honey Containers For Sale In California Free Shipping

We have a huge online catalog of both glass honey bottles and plastic honey containers for selling honey in. Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy any type of honey container that you could ever need, and in every size imaginable, including 2 ounce, 8 ounce, 12 ounce, 16 ounce, 24 ounce, 2 pound, 3 pound, 5 pound and 1 gallon. We offer plastic honey bottles in cases of 50, and also in bulk packs for customers who need larger quantities. Looking for different styles of honey containers? We offer Queenline glass containers, Muth honey jars, Skep glass honey bottles, glass bear honey containers, glass Hex jars and glass Mason jars. In our plastic honey container line, we offer plastic honey bear containers, Queen Line plastic bottles, Skep plastic jars, Beehive plastic honey containers, creamed honey containers, Inverted hex plastic honey bottles, Embossed honeycomb plastic jugs and cylinder honey bottles.

All of our glass and plastic honey containers are food grade and work for many different applications. Our customers buy our containers mainly for honey, but they can also be used for syrups, sauces and marinades. We have even had teachers buy our containers for handy and clean paint dispensers! If using our containers for liquids, please remember that our bottles are listed for honey weight, which is heavier than liquid weighs. For example, a container that holds 12 ounces of honey will hold only 8 ounces of water.

We also offer food grade plastic pails and buckets in numerous sizes, including 1 gallon, 2 gallon, 3-1/2 gallon, 4 gallon, 5 gallon and 6 gallon. There are 4 different grades of food grade plastic pails, and we have made sure to choose the ones made from high-density polyethylene, which is the best type to use! These pails work wonderfully for storing your surplus honey! When your honey granulates, all you need to do is gently heat the whole pail with a bucket warmer, or simply scoop out the amount needed and lightly heat above a hot water bath on the stove. Our plastic pails also work well for many other jobs as well, such as agricultural uses, hunting, fishing, and for storing surplus foods other than honey.





California Beekeeping Associations & Bee Clubs

At Lappe's Bee Supply, we are enthusiastic with spreading the knowledge of beekeeping to everyone. One of the best ways to gather information is to join a local beekeeping club. Many customers ask us, where can I find California beekeeping clubs near me? Below are online listings for beekeeping clubs in California.

If you would like to have your club information added to our list, please click this link to fill out and submit the form. *Please note: if you are hosting a beekeeping conference or seminar, or a weekly / monthly bee club, and you would like some donations and our company literature hand outs, we would be more than happy to send them to you. Please fill out the information at the above link and include the club name, date of conference / meeting, how many attendees are expected, and the address to send everything to. Thank you!


California State Beekeepers Association

Sacramento California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the California State Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the California State Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Alameda County Beekeepers Association

Oakland California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Alameda County Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Alameda County Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Beekeepers Association of Southern California

La Mirada California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Beekeepers Association of Southern California website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Beekeepers Association of Southern California on Facebook


Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County

San Carlos California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County on Facebook


Central Coast Beekeepers' Alliance

San Luis Obispo County California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Central Coast Beekeepers' Alliance website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Central Coast Beekeepers' Alliance on Facebook


Central Valley Beekeepers Association

Sanger California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Central Valley Beekeepers Association website


Delta Bee Club

Salida California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Delta Bee Club website


Gilroy Beekeepers Association

Gilroy California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Gilroy Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Gilroy Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Humboldt County Beekeepers Association

Eureka California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Humboldt County Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Humboldt County Beekeepers Association on Facebook


LA County Beekeepers Association

La Crescenta California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the LA County Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the LA County Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Long Beach Beekeepers

Signal Hill California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Long Beach Beekeepers website

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Marin County Beekeepers

San Anselmo California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Marin County Beekeepers website


Mt. Diablo Beekeepers Association

Walnut Creek California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Mt. Diablo Beekeepers Association website


Nevada County Beekeepers Association

Grass Valley California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Mt. Diablo Beekeepers Association website


Orange County Beekeepers Association

Fullerton California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Orange County Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Orange County Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Sacramento Area Beekeepers Association

Sacramento California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Sacramento Area Beekeepers Association website

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Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association

Santa Barbara California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Santa Barbara Beekeepers Association website

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Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild

San Jose California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Santa Clara Valley Beekeepers Guild website

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San Diego Beekeeping Society

San Diego California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the San Diego Beekeeping Society website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the San Diego Beekeeping Society on Facebook


Shasta Beekeepers Association

Redding California

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Shasta Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Sonoma County Beekeepers Association

Rohnert Park California

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Sonoma County Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Sonoma County Beekeepers Association on Facebook



Lappe's Bee Supply beekeeping family since 1978 helping beekeepers keep bees free shipping most orders


Contact Us

Questions? Comments? We can be reached by phone during business hours at 641-728-4361, or send us an email to We are always happy to talk with you! Do you have beekeeping issues that you would like to figure out? Contact us and we’ll help! We have a strong background in beekeeping, with over 35 years of experience! Learn how to become a producer of sweet honey from Lappe's Bee Supply! Regardless if you are located in the Midwest United States, the West Coast, the East Coast, the Southern States, or the Mountain areas in between in the USA, we have the beekeeping supplies and bee hives you need! We want to help you on your long, exciting journey in every way that we can to be well educated and get into the fast lane for successful beekeeping!



We ship to beekeepers in the following beekeeping cities near me in the state of Arkansas listings for queen honey bees supply results for beekeeping honeybee supplies for sale free shipping most orders over $100 around the United States: Acampo  95220 │Acton  93510 │Adelanto  92301 │Adin  96006 │Agoura Hills  91301 │Aguanga  92536 │Ahwahnee  93601 │Alameda  94501 │Alamo  94507 │Albany  94706 │Albion  95410 │Alderpoint  95511 │Alhambra  91801 │Aliso Viejo  92656 │Alleghany  95910 │Alpaugh  93201 │Alpine  91901 │Alta  95701 │Altadena  91001 │Altaville  95221 │Alturas  96101 │Alviso  95002 │Amador City  95601 │Amboy  92304 │American Canyon  94503 │Anaheim  92801 │Anderson  96007 │Angels Camp  95222 │Angelus Oaks  92305 │Angwin  94508 │Annapolis  95412 │Antelope  95843 │Antioch  94509 │Anza  92539 │Apple Valley  92307 │Applegate  95703 │Aptos  95001 │Arbuckle  95912 │Arcadia  91006 │Arcata  95518 │Armona  93202 │Arnold  95223 │Aromas  95004 │Arroyo Grande  93420 │Artesia  90701 │Artois  95913 │Arvin  93203 │Atascadero  93422 │Atherton  94027 │Atwater  95301 │Atwood  92811 │Auberry  93602 │Auburn  95602 │Avalon  90704 │Avenal  93204 │Avery  95224 │Avila Beach  93424 │Azusa  91702 │Badger  93603 │Baker  92309 │Bakersfield  93301 │Baldwin Park  91706 │Ballico  95303 │Bangor  95914 │Banning  92220 │Bard  92222 │Barstow  92311 │Bass Lake  93604 │Bayside  95524 │Beale Afb  95903 │Beaumont  92223 │Beckwourth  96129 │Belden  95915 │Bell  90201 │Bell Gardens  90202 │Bella Vista  96008 │Bellflower  90706 │Belmont  94002 │Belvedere Tiburon  94920 │Ben Lomond  95005 │Benicia  94510 │ Bennett | Benton  93512 │Berkeley  94701 │Berry Creek  95916 │Bethel Island  94511 │Beverly Hills  90209 │Bieber  96009 │Big Bar  96010 │Big Bear City  92314 │Big Bear Lake  92315 │Big Bend  96011 │Big Creek  93605 │Big Oak Flat  95305 │Big Pine  93513 │Big Sur  93920 │Biggs  95917 │Biola  93606 │Birds Landing  94512 │Bishop  93514 │Blairsden-graeagle   │Blocksburg  95514 │Bloomington  92316 │Blue Jay  92317 │Blue Lake  95525 │Blythe  92225 │Bodega  94922 │Bodega Bay  94923 │Bodfish  93205 │Bolinas  94924 │Bonita  91902 │Bonsall  92003 │Boonville  95415 │Boron  93516 │Borrego Springs  92004 │Boulder Creek  95006 │Boulevard  91905 │Boyes Hot Springs  95416 │Bradley  93426 │Brandeis  93064 │Branscomb  95417 │Brawley  92227 │Brea  92821 │Brentwood  94513 │Bridgeport  93517 │Bridgeville  95526 │Brisbane  94005 │Brookdale  95007 │Brooks  95606 │Browns Valley  95918 │Brownsville  95919 │Bryn Mawr  92318 │Buellton  93427 │Buena Park  90620 │Burbank  91501 │Burlingame  94010 │Burney  96013 │Burnt Ranch  95527 │Burrel  93607 │Burson  95225 │Butte City  95920 │Buttonwillow  93206 │Byron  94514 │Cabazon  92230 │Calabasas  91302 │Calexico  92231 │Caliente  93518 │California City  93504 │California Hot Springs  93207 │Calimesa  92320 │Calipatria  92233 │Calistoga  94515 │Callahan  96014 │Calpella  95418 │Calpine  96124 │Camarillo  93010 │Cambria  93428 │Camino  95709 │Camp Meeker  95419 │Camp Nelson  93208 │Camp Pendleton  92055 │Campbell  95008 │Campo  91906 │Campo Seco  95226 │Camptonville  95922 │Canby  96015 │Canoga Park  91303 │Cantil  93519 │Cantua Creek  93608 │Canyon  94516 │Canyon Country  91351 │Canyondam  95923 │Capay  95607 │Capistrano Beach  92624 │Capitola  95010 │Cardiff By The Sea  92007 │Carlotta  95528 │Carlsbad  92008 │Carmel  93922 │Carmel By The Sea  93921 │Carmel Valley  93924 │Carmichael  95608 │Carnelian Bay  96140 │Carpinteria  93013 │Carson  90745 │Caruthers  93609 │Casmalia  93429 │Caspar  95420 │Cassel  96016 │Castaic  91310 │Castella  96017 │Castro Valley  94546 │Castroville  95012 │Cathedral City  92234 │Catheys Valley  95306 │Cayucos  93430 │Cazadero  95421 │Cedar Glen  92321 │Cedar Ridge  95924 │Cedarpines Park  92322 │Cedarville  96104 │Ceres  95307 │Cerritos  90703 │Challenge  95925 │Chatsworth  91311 │Chester  96020 │Chicago Park  95712 │Chico  95926 │Chilcoot  96105 │Chinese Camp  95309 │Chino  91708 │Chino Hills  91709 │Chowchilla  93610 │Chualar  93925 │Chula Vista  91909 │Cima  92323 │Citrus Heights  95610 │City Of Industry  91714 │Claremont  91711 │Clarksburg  95612 │Clayton  94517 │Clearlake  95422 │Clearlake Oaks  95423 │Clearlake Park  95424 │Clements  95227 │Clio  96106 │Clipper Mills  95930 │Cloverdale  95425 │Clovis  93611 │Coachella  92236 │Coalinga  93210 │Coarsegold  93614 │Cobb  95426 │Coleville  96107 │Colfax  95713 │Coloma  95613 │Colton  92324 │Columbia  95310 │Colusa  95932 │Comptche  95427 │Compton  90220 │Concord  94518 │Cool  95614 │Copperopolis  95228 │Corcoran  93212 │Corning  96021 │Corona  92877 │Corona Del Mar  92625 │Coronado  92118 │Corte Madera  94925 │Costa Mesa  92626 │Cotati  94926 │Cottonwood  96022 │Coulterville  95311 │Courtland  95615 │Covelo  95428 │Covina  91722 │Coyote  95013 │Crescent City  95531 │Crescent Mills  95934 │Cressey  95312 │Crest Park  92326 │Crestline  92325 │Creston  93432 │Crockett  94525 │Crows Landing  95313 │Culver City  90230 │Cupertino  95014 │Cutler  93615 │Cutten  95534 │Cypress  90630 │Daggett  92327 │Daly City  94013 │Dana Point  92629 │Danville  94506 │Dardanelle  95314 │Darwin  93522 │Davenport  95017 │Davis  95616 │Davis Creek  96108 │Death Valley  92328 │Deer Park  94576 │Del Mar  92014 │Del Rey  93616 │Delano  93215 │Delhi  95315 │Denair  95316 │Descanso  91916 │Desert Center  92239 │Desert Hot Springs  92240 │Diablo  94528 │Diamond Bar  91765 │Diamond Springs  95619 │Dillon Beach  94929 │Dinuba  93618 │Dixon  95620 │Dobbins  95935 │Dorris  96023 │Dos Palos  93620 │Dos Rios  95429 │Douglas City  96024 │ Canyon | Douglas Flat  95229 │Downey  90239 │Downieville  95936 │Doyle  96109 │Drytown  95699 │Duarte  91009 │Dublin  94568 │Ducor  93218 │Dulzura  91917 │Duncans Mills  95430 │Dunlap  93621 │Dunnigan  95937 │Dunsmuir  96025 │Durham  95938 │Dutch Flat  95714 │Eagleville  96110 │Earlimart  93219 │Earp  92242 │East Irvine  92650 │Echo Lake  95721 │Edison  93220 │Edwards  93523 │El Cajon  92019 │El Centro  92243 │El Cerrito  94530 │El Dorado  95623 │El Dorado Hills  95762 │El Granada  94018 │El Macero  9561895618 │El Monte  91731 │El Nido  95317 │El Portal  95318 │El Segundo  90245 │El Sobrante  94803 │El Toro  92609 │El Verano  95433 │Eldridge  95431 │Elk  95432 │Elk Creek  95939 │Elk Grove  95624 │Elmira  95625 │Elverta  95626 │Emeryville  94608 │Emigrant Gap  95715 │Empire  95319 │Encinitas  92023 │Encino  91316 │Escalon  95320 │Escondido  92025 │Esparto  95627 │Essex  92332 │Etna  96027 │Eureka  95501 │Exeter  93221 │Fair Oaks  95628 │Fairfax  94930 │Fairfield  94533 │Fall River Mills  96028 │Fallbrook  92028 │Farmersville  93223 │Farmington  95230 │Fawnskin  92333 │Feather Falls  95940 │Fellows  93224 │Felton  95018 │Ferndale  95536 │Fiddletown  95629 │Fields Landing  95537 │Fillmore  93015 │Finley  95435 │Firebaugh  93622 │Fish Camp  93623 │Five Points  93624 │Floriston  96111 │Flournoy  96029 │Folsom  95630 │Fontana  92334 │Foothill Ranch  92610 │Forbestown  95941 │Forest Falls  92339 │Forest Knolls  94933 │Forest Ranch  95942 │Foresthill  95631 │Forestville  95436 │Forks Of Salmon  96031 │Fort Bidwell  96112 │Fort Bragg  95437 │Fort Dick  95538 │Fort Irwin  92310 │Fort Jones  96032 │Fortuna  95540 │Fountain Valley  92708 │Fowler  93625 │Frazier Park  93222 │Freedom  95019 │Fremont  94536 │French Camp  95231 │French Gulch  96033 │Fresno  93650 │Friant  93626 │Fullerton  92831 │Fulton  95439 │Galt  95632 │Garberville  95542 │Garden Grove  92840 │Garden Valley  95633 │Gardena  90247 │Gasquet  95543 │Gazelle  96034 │Georgetown  95634 │Gerber  96035 │Geyserville  95441 │Gilroy  95020│Glen Ellen  95442 │Glencoe  95232 │Glendale  91201 │Glendora  91740 │Glenhaven  95443 │Glenn  95943 │Glennville  93226 │Gold Run  95717 │Goleta  93116 │Gonzales  93926 │Goodyears Bar  95944 │Goshen  93227 │Granada Hills  91344 │Grand Terrace  92313 │Granite Bay  95746 │Grass Valley  95945 │Graton  95444 │Green Valley Lake  92341 │Greenbrae  94904 │Greenfield  93927 │Greenview  96037 │Greenville  95947 │Greenwood  95635 │Grenada  96038 │Gridley  95948 │Grimes  95950 │Grizzly Flats  95636 │Groveland  95321 │Grover Beach  93433 │ Tujunga | Guadalupe  93434 │Gualala  95445 │Guasti  91743 │Guatay  91931 │Guerneville  95446 │Guinda  95637 │Gustine  95322 │Hacienda Heights  91745 │Half Moon Bay   │Hamilton City  95951 │Hanford  93230 │Happy Camp  96039 │Harbor City  90710 │Harmony  93435 │Hat Creek  96040 │Hathaway Pines  95233 │Hawaiian Gardens  90716 │Hawthorne  90250 │Hayfork  96041 │Hayward  94540 │Healdsburg  95448 │Heber  92249 │Helendale  92342 │Helm  93627 │Hemet  92543 │Herald  95638 │Hercules  94547 │Herlong  96113 │Hermosa Beach  90254 │Hesperia  92340 │Hickman  95323 │Highland  92346 │Hilmar  95324 │Hinkley  92347 │Hollister  95023 │Holt  95234 │Holtville  92250 │Holy City  95026 │Homeland  92548 │Homewood  96141 │Honeydew  95545 │Hood  95639 │Hoopa  95546 │Hopland  95449 │Hornbrook  96044 │Hornitos  95325 │Hughson  95326 │Hume  93628 │Huntington Beach  92605 │Huntington Park  90255 │Huron  93234 │Hyampom  96046 │Hydesville  95547 │Idyllwild  92549 │Igo  96047 │Imperial  92251 │Imperial Beach  91932 │Independence  93526 │Indian Wells  92210 │Indio  92201 │Inglewood  90301 │Inverness  94937 │Inyokern  93527 │Ione  95640 │Irvine  92602 │Isleton  95641 │Ivanhoe  93235 │Jackson  95642 │Jacumba  91934 │Jamestown  95327 │Jamul  91935 │Janesville  96114 │Jenner  95450 │Johannesburg  93528 │Jolon  93928 │Joshua Tree  92252 │Julian  92036 │Junction City  96048 │June Lake  93529 │Kaweah  93237 │Keeler  93530 │Keene  93531 │Kelseyville  95451 │Kentfield  94914 │Kenwood  95452 │Kerman  93630 │Kernville  93238 │Kettleman City  93239 │Keyes  95328 │King City  93930 │Kings Beach  96143 │Kings Canyon National Pk  93633 │Kingsburg  93631 │Kirkwood  95646 │Kit Carson  95644 │Klamath  95548 │Klamath River  96050 │Kneeland  95549 │Knights Landing  95645 │Knightsen  94548 │Korbel  95550 │ Little | Kyburz  95720 │La Canada Flintridge  91011 │La Crescenta  91214 │La Grange  95329 │La Habra  90631 │La Honda  94020 │La Jolla  92037 │La Mesa  91941 │La Mirada  90637 │La Palma  90623 │La Puente  91744 │La Quinta  92253 │La Verne  91750 │Ladera Ranch  92694 │Lafayette  94549 │Laguna Beach  92651 │Laguna Hills  92637 │Laguna Niguel  92607 │Lagunitas  94938 │Lake Arrowhead  92352 │Lake City  96115 │Lake Elsinore  92530 │Lake Forest  92630 │Lake Hughes  93532 │Lake Isabella  93240 │Lakehead  96051 │Lakeport  95453 │Lakeshore  93634 │Lakeside  92040 │Lakewood  90711 │Lamont  93241 │Lancaster  93534 │Landers  92285 │Larkspur  94939 │Lathrop  95330 │Laton  93242 │Lawndale  90260 │Laytonville  95454 │Le Grand  95333 │Lebec  93243 │Lee Vining  93541 │Leggett  95585 │Lemon Cove  93244 │Lemon Grove  91945 │Lemoore  93245 │Lewiston  96052 │Likely  96116 │Lincoln  95648 │Lincoln Acres  91947 │Linden  95236 │Lindsay  93247 │Litchfield  96117 │Little Lake  93542 │Littleriver  95456 │Littlerock  93543 │Live Oak  95953 │Livermore  94550 │Livingston  95334 │Llano  93544 │Lockeford  95237 │Lockwood  93932 │Lodi  95240 │Loleta  95551 │Loma Linda  92350 │Loma Mar  94021 │Lomita  90717 │Lompoc  93436 │Lone Pine  93545 │Long Barn  95335 │Long Beach  90801 │Lookout  96054 │Loomis  95650 │Los Alamitos  90720 │Los Alamos  93440 │Los Altos  94022 │Los Angeles  90001 │Los Banos  93635 │Los Gatos  95030 │Los Molinos  96055 │Los Olivos  93441 │Los Osos  93402 │Lost Hills  93249 │Lotus  95651 │Lower Lake  95457 │Loyalton  96118 │Lucerne  95458 │Lucerne Valley  92356 │Ludlow  92338 │Lynwood  90262 │Lyoth  95296 │Lytle Creek  92358 │Macdoel  96058 │Mad River  95552 │Madeline  96119 │Madera  93637 │Madison  95653 │Magalia  95954 │Malibu  90263 │Mammoth Lakes  93546 │Manchester  95459 │Manhattan Beach  90266 │Manteca  95336 │Manton  96059 │March Air Force Base  92518 │Maricopa  93252 │Marina  93933 │Marina Del Rey  90292 │Mariposa  95338 │Markleeville  96120 │Marshall  94940 │Martell  95654 │Martinez  94553 │Marysville  95901 │Mather  95655 │Maxwell  95955 │Maywood  90270 │Mc Farland  93250 │Mc Kittrick  93251 │Mcarthur  96056 │Mcclellan  95652 │Mccloud  96057 │Mckinleyville  95519 │Meadow Valley  95956 │Meadow Vista  95722 │Mecca  92254 │Mendocino  95460 │Mendota  93640 │Menifee  92584 │Menlo Park  94025 │Mentone  92359 │Merced  95340 │Meridian  95957 │Mi Wuk Village  95346 │Middletown  95461 │Midpines  95345 │Midway City  92655 │Milford  96121 │Mill Creek  96061 │Mill Valley  94941 │Millbrae  94030 │Millville  96062 │Milpitas  95035 │Mineral  96063 │Mira Loma  91752 │Miramonte  93641 │Miranda  95553 │Mission Hills  91345 │Mission Viejo  92690 │Moccasin  95347 │Modesto  95350 │Mojave  93501 │Mokelumne Hill  95245 │Mono Hot Springs  93642 │Monrovia  91016 │Montague  96064 │Montara  94037 │Montclair  91763 │Monte Rio  95462 │Montebello  90640 │Monterey  93940 │Monterey Park  91754 │Montgomery Creek  96065 │Montrose  91020 │Moorpark  93020 │Moraga  94556 │Moreno Valley  92551 │Morgan Hill  95037 │Morongo Valley  92256 │Morro Bay  93442 │Moss Beach  94038 │ 18710 | Moss Landing  95039 │Mount Aukum  95656 │Mount Hamilton  95140 │Mount Hermon  95041 │Mount Laguna  91948 │Mount Shasta  96067 │Mount Wilson  91023 │Mountain Center  92561 │Mountain Pass  92366 │Mountain Ranch  95246 │Mountain View  94035 │Mt Baldy  91759 │Murphys  95247 │Murrieta  92562 │Myers Flat  95554 │Napa  94558 │National City  91950 │Navarro  95463 │Needles  92363 │Nelson  95958 │Nevada City  95959 │New Almaden  95042 │New Cuyama  93254 │Newark  94560 │Newberry Springs  92365 │Newbury Park  91319 │Newcastle  95658 │Newhall  91321 │Newman  95360 │Newport Beach  92658 │Newport Coast  92657 │Nicasio  94946 │Nice  95464 │Nicolaus  95659 │Niland  92257 │Nipomo  93444 │Nipton  92364 │Norco  92860 │Norden  95724 │North Fork  93643 │North Highlands  95660 │North Hills  91343 │North Hollywood  91601 │North Palm Springs  92258 │North San Juan  95960 │Northridge  91324 │Norwalk  90650 │Novato  94945 │Nubieber  96068 │Nuevo  92567 │O Neals  93645 │Oak Park  91377 │Oak Run  96069 │Oak View  93022 │Oakdale  95361 │Oakhurst  93644 │Oakland  94601 │Oakley  94561 │Oakville  94562 │Obrien  96070 │Occidental  95465 │Oceano  93445 │Oceanside  92049 │Ocotillo  92259 │Ojai  93023 │Olancha  93549 │Old Station  96071 │Olema  94950 │Olivehurst  95961 │Olympic Valley  96146 │Ontario  91758 │Onyx  93255 │Orange  92856 │Orange Cove  93646 │Orangevale  95662 │Oregon House  95962 │Orick  95555 │Orinda  94563 │Orland  95963 │Orleans  95556 │Oro Grande  92368 │Orosi  93647 │Oroville  95965 │Oxnard  93030 │Pacific Grove  93950 │Pacific Palisades  90272 │Pacifica  94044 │Pacoima  91331 │Paicines  95043 │Pala  92059 │Palermo  95968 │Palm Desert  92211 │Palm Springs  92262 │Palmdale  93550 │Palo Alto  94301 │Palo Cedro  96073 │Palo Verde  92266 │Palomar Mountain  92060 │Palos Verdes Peninsula  90274 │Panorama City  91402 │Paradise  95967 │Paramount  90723 │Parker Dam  92267 │Parlier  93648 │Pasadena  91101 │Paskenta  96074 │Paso Robles  93446 │Patterson  95363 │Patton  92369 │Pauma Valley  92061 │Paynes Creek  96075 │Pearblossom  93553 │Pebble Beach  93953 │Penn Valley  95946 │Penngrove  94951 │Penryn  95663 │Perris  92570 │Pescadero  94060 │Petaluma  94952 │Petrolia  95558 │Phelan  92329 │Phillipsville  95559 │Philo  95466 │Pico Rivera  90660 │Piedmont  94620 │Piedra  93649 │Piercy  95587 │Pilot Hill  95664 │Pine Grove  95665 │Pine Valley  91962 │Pinecrest  95364 │Pinole  94564 │ Bills | Pinon Hills  92372 │Pioneer  95666 │Pioneertown  92268 │Piru  93040 │Pismo Beach  93448 │Pittsburg  94565 │Pixley  93256 │Placentia  92870 │Placerville  95667 │Planada  95365 │Platina  96076 │Playa Del Rey  90293 │Pleasant Grove  95668 │Pleasant Hill  94523 │Pleasanton  94566 │Plymouth  95669 │Point Arena  95468 │Point Mugu Nawc  93042 │Point Reyes Station  94956 │Pollock Pines  95726 │Pomona  91766 │Pope Valley  94567 │Port Costa  94569 │Port Hueneme  93041 │Port Hueneme Cbc Base  93043 │Porterville  93257 │Portola  96122 │Portola Valley  94028 │Posey  93260 │Potrero  91963 │Potter Valley  95469 │Poway  92064 │Prather  93651 │Princeton  95970 │Proberta  96078 │Quincy  95971 │Rackerby  95972 │Rail Road Flat  95248 │Raisin  93652 │Ramona  92065 │Ranchita  92066 │Rancho Cordova  95670 │Rancho Cucamonga  91701 │Rancho Mirage  92270 │Rancho Palos Verdes  90275 │Rancho Santa Fe  92067 │Rancho Santa Margarita  92688 │Randsburg  93554 │Ravendale  96123 │Raymond  93653 │Red Bluff  96080 │Red Mountain  93558 │Redcrest  95569 │Redding  96001 │Redlands  92373 │Redondo Beach  90277 │Redway  95560 │Redwood City  94059 │Redwood Estates  95044 │Redwood Valley  95470 │Reedley  93654 │Represa  95671 │Rescue  95672 │Reseda  91335 │Rialto  92376 │Richgrove  93261 │Richmond  94801 │Richvale  95974 │Ridgecrest  93555 │Rimforest  92378 │Rio Dell  95562 │ Ave | Rio Linda  95673 │Rio Nido   │Rio Oso  95674 │Rio Vista  94571 │Ripon  95366 │River Pines  95675 │Riverbank  95367 │Riverdale  93656 │Riverside  92501 │Robbins  95676 │Rocklin  95677 │Rodeo  94572 │Rohnert Park  94927 │Rosamond  93560 │Rosemead  91770 │Roseville  95661 │Ross  94957 │Rough And Ready  95975 │Round Mountain  96084 │Rowland Heights  91748 │Rumsey  95679 │Running Springs  92382 │Rutherford  94573 │Ryde  95680 │Sacramento  94203 │Saint Helena  94574 │Salida  95368 │Salinas  93901 │Salton City  92275 │Salyer  95563 │Samoa  95564 │San Andreas  95249 │San Anselmo  94960 │San Ardo  93450 │San Bernardino  92401 │San Bruno  94066 │San Carlos  94070 │San Clemente  92672 │San Diego  92101 │San Dimas  91773 │San Fernando  91340 │San Francisco  94101 │San Gabriel  91775 │San Geronimo  94963 │San Gregorio  94074 │San Jacinto  92581 │San Joaquin  93660 │San Jose  95101 │San Juan Bautista  95045 │San Juan Capistrano  92675 │San Leandro  94577 │San Lorenzo  94580 │San Lucas  93954 │San Luis Obispo  93401 │San Luis Rey  92068 │San Marcos  92069 │San Marino  91108 │San Martin  95046 │San Mateo  94401 │San Miguel  93451 │San Pablo  94806 │San Pedro  90731 │San Quentin  94964 │San Rafael  94901 │ Fender | San Ramon  94583 │San Simeon  93452 │San Ysidro  92143 │Sanger  93657 │Santa Ana  92701 │Santa Barbara  93101 │Santa Clara  95050 │Santa Clarita  91350 │Santa Cruz  95060 │Santa Fe Springs  90670 │Santa Margarita  93453 │Santa Maria  93454 │Santa Monica  90401 │Santa Paula  93060 │Santa Rita Park  93661 │Santa Rosa  95401 │Santa Ynez  93460 │Santa Ysabel  92070 │Santee  92071 │Saratoga  95070 │Sausalito  94965 │Scotia  95565 │Scott Bar  96085 │Scotts Valley  95066 │Seal Beach  90740 │Seaside  93955 │Sebastopol  95472 │Seeley  92273 │Seiad Valley  96086 │Selma  93662 │Sequoia National Park  93262 │Shafter  93263 │Shandon  93461 │Shasta  96087 │Shasta Lake  96019 │Shaver Lake  93664 │Sheep Ranch  95250 │Sheridan  95681 │Sherman Oaks  91403 │Shingle Springs  95682 │Shingletown  96088 │Shoshone  92384 │Sierra City  96125 │Sierra Madre  91024 │Sierraville  96126 │Signal Hill  90755 │Silverado  92676 │Simi Valley  93062 │Skyforest  92385 │Sloughhouse  95683 │Smartville  95977 │Smith River  95567 │Snelling  95369 │Soda Springs  95728 │Solana Beach  92075 │Soledad  93960 │Solvang  93463 │Somerset  95684 │Somes Bar  95568 │Somis  93066 │Sonoma  95476 │Sonora  95370 │Soquel  95073 │Soulsbyville  95372 │South Dos Palos  93665 │South El Monte  91733 │South Gate  90280 │South Lake Tahoe  96150 │South Pasadena  91030 │South San Francisco  94080 │Spreckels  93962 │ East | Spring Valley  91976 │Springville  93265 │Squaw Valley  93675 │Standard  95373 │Standish  96128 │Stanford  94305 │Stanton  90680 │Stevenson Ranch  91381 │Stevinson  95374 │Stewarts Point  95480 │Stinson Beach  94970 │Stirling City  95978 │Stockton  95201 │Stonyford  95979 │Storrie  95980 │Stratford  93266 │Strathmore  93267 │Strawberry  95375 │Strawberry Valley  95981 │Studio City  91604 │Sugarloaf  92386 │Suisun City  94585 │Sultana  93666 │Summerland  93067 │Sun City  92585 │Sun Valley  91352 │Sunland  91040 │Sunnyvale  94085 │Sunol  94586 │Sunset Beach  90742 │Surfside  90743 │Susanville  96127 │Sutter  95982 │Sutter Creek  95685 │Sylmar  91342 │Taft  93268 │Tahoe City  96145 │Tahoe Vista  96148 │Tahoma  96142 │Talmage  95481 │Tarzana  91356 │Taylorsville  95983 │Tecate  91980 │Tecopa  92389 │Tehachapi  93561 │Tehama  96090 │Temecula  92589 │Temple City  91780 │Templeton  93465 │Termo  96132 │Terra Bella  93270 │The Sea Ranch  95497 │Thermal  92274 │Thornton  95686 │Thousand Oaks  91358 │Thousand Palms  92276 │Three Rivers  93271 │Tipton  93272 │Tollhouse  93667 │Toluca Lake  91610 │Tomales  94971 │Topanga  90290 │Topaz  96133 │Torrance  90501 │Trabuco Canyon  92678 │Tracy  95304 │Tranquillity  93668 │Traver  93673 │Travis Afb  94535 │Tres Pinos  95075 │Trinidad  95570 │Trinity Center  96091 │Trona  93562 │Truckee  96160 │Tujunga  91042 │Tulare  93274 │Tulelake  96134 │Tuolumne  95379 │Tupman  93276 │Turlock  95380 │Tustin  92780 │Twain  95984 │Twain Harte  95383 │Twentynine Palms  92277 │Twin Bridges  95735 │Twin Peaks  92391 │Ukiah  95482 │ 2536 | Union City  94587 │Universal City  91608 │Upland  91784 │Upper Lake  95485 │Vacaville  95687 │Valencia  91354 │Vallecito  95251 │Vallejo  94589 │Valley Center  92082 │Valley Ford  94972 │Valley Springs  95252 │Valley Village  91607 │Valyermo  93563 │Van Nuys  91388 │Venice  90291 │Ventura  93001 │Verdugo City  91046 │Vernalis  95385 │Victor  95253 │Victorville  92392 │Vidal  92280 │Villa Grande  95486 │Villa Park  92861 │Vina  96092 │Vineburg  95487 │Vinton  96135 │Visalia  93277 │Vista  92083 │Volcano  95689 │Wallace  95254 │Walnut  91788 │Walnut Creek  94595 │Walnut Grove  95690 │Warner Springs  92086 │Wasco  93280 │Washington  95986 │ C | Waterford  95386 │Watsonville  95076 │Waukena  93282 │Weaverville  96093 │Weed  96094 │Weimar  95736 │Weldon  93283 │Wendel  96136 │Weott  95571 │West Covina  91790 │West Hills  91307 │West Hollywood  90069 │West Point  95255 │West Sacramento  95605 │Westlake Village  91359 │Westley  95387 │Westminster  92683 │Westmorland  92281 │Westport  95488 │Westwood  96137 │Wheatland  95692 │Whiskeytown  96095 │White Water  92282 │Whitethorn  95589 │Whitmore  96096 │Whittier  90601 │Wildomar  92595 │Williams  95987 │Willits  95490 │Willow Creek  95573 │Willows  95988 │Wilmington  90744 │Wilseyville  95257 │Wilton  95693 │Winchester  92596 │Windsor  95492 │Winnetka  91306 │ O | Winterhaven  92283 │Winters  95694 │Winton  95388 │Wishon  93669 │Witter Springs  95493 │Wofford Heights  93285 │Woodacre  94973 │Woodbridge  95258 │Woodlake  93286 │Woodland  95695 │Woodland Hills  91364 │Woody  93287 │Wrightwood  92397 │Yermo  92398 │Yettem  93670 │Yolo  95697 │Yorba Linda  92885 │Yorkville  95494 │Yosemite National Park  95389 │Yountville  94599 │Yreka  96097 │Yuba City  95991 │Yucaipa  92399 │Yucca Valley  92284 │Zamora  95698 | Zenia  95595 || We ship free shipping beekeeping supplies queen honey bees supplies to the following counties in California: Alameda County │Alpine County │Amador County │Butte County │Calaveras County │Colusa County │Contra Costa County │Del Norte County │El Dorado County │Fresno County │Glenn County │Humboldt County │Imperial County │Inyo County │Kern County │Kings County │Lake County │Lassen County │Los Angeles County │Madera County │Marin County │Mariposa County │Mendocino County │Merced County │Modoc County │Mono County │Monterey County │Napa County │Nevada County │Orange County │Placer County │Plumas County │Riverside County │Sacramento County │San Benito County │San Bernardino County │San Diego County │The City and County of San Francisco │San Joaquin County │San Luis Obispo County │San Mateo County │Santa Barbara County │Santa Clara County │Santa Cruz County │Shasta County │Sierra County │Siskiyou County │Solano County │Sonoma County │Stanislaus County │Sutter County │Tehama County │Trinity County │Tulare County │Tuolumne County │Ventura County │Yolo County │Yuba County

Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply
Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply