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Louisiana Beginning Bee Keeping Supplies Queen HoneyBeesOnline For Sale In LA

Louisiana free shipping beginning beginner beekeeping supplies bees for sale in Louisiana 305 x 296 | Louisiana beginning beekeeping supplies | free shipping Louisiana honey bee supplies for sale

Beekeeping Supplies & Honey Bee Supplies at Lappe's Bee Supply

Free Shipping Louisiana Beekeeping Supplies


Free Shipping Louisiana Honey Bee Supplies

Lappe's Bee Supply is one of the top suppliers of Free Shipping Louisiana Beekeeping Supplies to Louisiana Beekeepers! If you're looking for where to buy Free Shipping Louisiana Honey Bee Supplies, Lappe's Bee Supply carries all of the Honeybee Supplies Louisiana Beekeepers need, from the beginner beekeeper just beginning, to the hobbyist, to the commercial beekeeper, to the professional! We offer free shipping on most online orders over $100! We are always happy to have our customers stop by and visit with us, so we can answer all of your beekeeping questions!

Louisiana Free Shipping Honey Bee Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bees For Sale Online

Lappe's Bee Supply and Honey Farm LLC is a top online supplier shop of free shipping honey bee supplies for sale in Louisiana!

If you are searching for where to buy premium Louisiana free shipping honeybee supplies or Louisiana free shipping honeybee supplies online, Lappe's Bee Supply is your answer! We offer free shipping on orders over $100.

We carry everything a beekeeper could need, from Langstroth bee hives and 5 frame, 8 frame and 10 frame Langstroth beehive components, to protective beekeeping clothing and bee suits, beekeeping tools, treatments, and tons of additional beekeeping supplies! Plus, we have everything a person could need to start beekeeping with, in our beginning / beginner beekeeping supplies with free shipping to anywhere in the USA!

local-beekeeping-clubs-classes.jpg  Click here to view Louisiana Beekeeping Clubs Listings

Looking for where to buy a beginning beekeeping kit, supplies and bees for sale in Louisiana?

Lappe's Bee Supply and Honey Farm LLC is the answer! We are a premier bee supply company, supplier of an extensive line of the best beekeeping supplies, equipment and bees available in the industry that any beekeeper could ever need, from the beginner to the experienced; from the hobbyist to the commercial beekeeper! We are also one of the top bee hive suppliers in the United States. Lappe's Bee Supply is dedicated to helping educate beginner beekeepers and provide them with all of the essential beekeeping supplies that they will ever need. We promote successful and healthy beekeeping, offering quality beekeeping supplies and tons of beekeeping 101 knowledge, and we can help you on how to start beekeeping and how to raise honey bees. Be sure to check out our online website, where you can find our beekeeping supplies clearance area, the Bargain Bin! We're one of the largest online stores around, with hundreds of crucial beekeeping products!

Are you a new beekeeper in Louisiana looking for complete painted assembled ready to use beginning beekeeping starter kits for sale? We offer some of the best beginner Langstroth beehives for starting a honey bee colony!

  • Wondering what exact beekeeping equipment you will need to start your beekeeping adventure with? Interested in starting a honey bee hive of your own? To make it super easy, we have different levels of beekeeping starter kits with the best beehives available, depending on your budget. These kits include completely assembled and painted USA Langstroth bee hives (honey bee house), available in both 8 frame and 10 frame sizes. These bee hives for beginners are ready to use, right out of the box! Choose from a single deep set up, a two story deep hive set up, or a complete four story bee hive set up, with two deeps and two honey supers. All of the bee hive frames in our beginner kits are assembled using our custom made sheets of Lappe's Triple extreme wax coated foundation - it's the highest wax content plastic foundation available on the market, and provides the highest acceptance rate possible with your honey bees. Foundation comes in your choice of colors - choose from all yellow, like natural beeswax, black deeps / yellow honey supers, or black deeps / white honey supers. Also includes a full bee suit (or choice of ventilated bee suit), leather beekeeping gloves, smoker and smoker fuel, hive tool and bee brush, in hive frame feeder, and an all important, highly informational beekeeping book. Also includes your choice of a solid bottom board or a screened bottom board, Bee Culture or American Bee Journal one year free subscription, and the complete Honey Master four story hive kit features a plastic queen excluder! To top it all off, every one of our beginner kits includes free shipping to anywhere in the lower 48 United States! With so many different choices and so many bonus additional items, our beginner beekeeping kits are tough to beat!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Beginning Beekeeping Kits Now!


2025 Louisiana Live Italian Carniolan Saskatraz Honey Bees For Sale In Louisiana Free Shipping

Lappe's Bee Supply is committed to supplying beekeepers all around the United States with the highest quality package bees, honey bee nucs and queen honey bees available. We are one of the top supplier companies of live honey bees in the United States. We have had customers come from every one of the lower 48 states to pick up our Italian, Saskatraz and Carniolan honey bee nucs and 3 pound packages. A lot of beekeepers wonder, "Where can I buy live honey bees for sale?" Buy your honey bees from Lappe's Bee Supply! Bees play an important part in agriculture, and we strive to help that part of the agricultural sector succeed as best as possible! Place your order on our easy to use online website today!


Lappe's Bee Supply is one of the BEST shipping companies of the highest quality queen bees in the United States! We ship queens on a twice weekly schedule from early April through September. We are experienced in shipping queen honey bees safely, and we focus on providing superb queen honey bees to beekeepers all across the country. We offer free shipping on orders of 3 or more queens, and we ship them to every single state in the United States, with the exception of Hawaii! Unlike packaged honey bees and nucs, queen bees are very easy to ship, with no negative side effects at all, as long as they are shipped correctly, and at Lappe's Bee Supply, we are extremely knowledgeable in the correct shipping of queen bees!

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Queen Honey Bees Now!

At Lappe's Bee Supply, we start our Italian, Carniolan and Saskatraz honeybee nucs out on new equipment in the early spring. Since it is all new equipment, there's no need to worry about receiving old, potentially diseased combs and beehive frames. Our nucs are also inspected by the state inspector before they go to beekeepers. Yearly we produce around 1,000 to 1,500 bee nucs to meet the needs of our beekeeping customers. Nucs are preferred by most beginning beekeepers due to the ease of hiving them into the deep brood nest boxes in the bee yard. Each nuc contains a mated, gentle young queen bee who has been marked with the color for the current year. Each bee queen has been egg laying for an extended length of time, and the bee hive frames will contain brood of all stages from that queen. This will guarantee that every worker bee in the nuc will be adjusted to the queen's pheromones. Nucs contain a mixture of worker bees - foragers, nurse bees, guard bees and drones. Nucs are like a working mini bee hive, and will be ready to transfer into your Langstroth wooden beehive once you get to your apiary. These nucs and the honeybees they contain will be ready for optimum honey production for that first big honey flow! Just like packaged honey bees, nucs are not recommended for shipping, due to the negative effects on the bees, so we offer the nucs for pick up only.

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Honeybee Nucs Now!


We offer honeybee packages for sale for those interested in starting a bee hive with packaged bees. Orders start in January of each year, and have several pick up dates available during early spring, in April and May. Our package bees are brought to us by experienced suppliers with over 25 years of experience in transporting bees, and they strive to help us provide our customers with healthy, quality bees. The bees are kept at just the right temperature in special climate controlled trailers, ensuring that they are kept cool enough to keep them from getting too stressed during their journey, so they arrive to us in excellent condition. Only the suppliers who are most interested in the health of the bees understand this crucial step in the shipping process. Shipping the packaged bees by UPS or USPS is detrimental to the bees' health and can have long term, extremely negative effects on your bees, causing them to not reach their full potential. Most often the bees will arrive dead, or almost all dead. At Lappe's Bee Supply, we care deeply about the honey bee, and we also care about getting repeat business from all of our customers, not just the one time sale, which is why we do offer our package bees for pick up only. Each package of bees comes with a young, mated queen bee, each one ready and waiting for the female worker bees to build out the brood nest comb, so that they can begin laying eggs to start raising bees from the larva and build up the colony of bees. There is nothing better than to have strong honey bee hives and to hear the buzzing of happy, healthy bees. Our customers come from all around to pick up our outstanding packages to start new honey bee colonies, or to expand their colonies in their apiaries. These bees are great for new hobbyist beekeepers just starting out, no matter if they are interested in urban beekeeping, backyard beekeeping or natural beekeeping.

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Click Here To Shop Package Honey Bees Now!

Lappe's Bee Supply online honey bee supplier company honey bees for sale free USA shipping most orders


Louisiana Beekeeping Supplies For Sale In Louisiana Free Shipping

There are lots of frequently asked questions that Louisiana beekeepers ask us, including:

How Do I Get Started In Beekeeping?

1. First of all, educate yourself on beekeeping!

The best way to gain knowledge is by working the bees; however, before you start beekeeping you need to be familiar with the bees needs and beekeeping terminology. There are lots of excellent books on beekeeping - several can be found here on our online store!

2. Purchase your bee hives and equipment.

You can either purchase supplies separately, or buy everything together in a beginning beekeeping starter kit. (We have some great kits to buy online here - we have different kits available to fit every budget!) Shop for them now!

3. Order your bees from a reputable supplier!

You need to purchase either a package of bees or a honeybee nuc to start out with. Please be aware, you can't start with just a queen! The queen needs all of the workers that come in the package or the nuc to take care of her. Make sure you purchase bees from a well known source - check them out through local beekeeping clubs or check all of their online Google reviews and Better Business Bureau registered complaints. We always recommend buying from a local source so you can pick the bees up in person! It may be more convenient for you to have them delivered to your door or local post office, but it's not always best for the bees, and more often than not you end up with ruined bees and a large amount of money wasted.

4. Set up your hive(s) and introduce the bees into their new home.

If introducing a package of bees, see our handy instructions here. If introducing a nuc of honey bees, see those instructions here.

5. Feed the bees!

More than likely, when you start your bees, there will not be many natural food supplies available for the bees. Your 5 frame nuc should come with some feed already in the frames, but with new bees hatching it won't take your hive very long to use it all up. If you get a package of bees, they won't have any feed ready for them at all. Feed Your Bees!!

6. Check on the bees!

Check on the bees every week and a half to two weeks. Make sure they are filling up the frames of the bee hive, that they have enough feed, and that they are not running out of room. Treat for Varroa mites in the spring and in the fall: you need to keep your bees healthy to ensure their survival and your success as a beekeeper!

What rules are there for beekeeping in my area?

Every state has different rules / regulations regarding beekeeping, and some cities have their own rules as well. It's always best to check first with your city or town council, then with the Department of Agriculture for your state.


Save money on great beekeeping supplies when you shop online at Lappe's Bee Supply!

What kinds of sales and deals do you offer? Do you offer free shipping?

We have different sales available each week, plus bigger sales at certain times of the year, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Spring Fever sales events. We offer free ground shipping on most orders over $100 in the lower 48 states; some exclusions do apply. We also offer Colony Cash Reward Credits, where you earn 3.2% back on every single order that you place with us. Just make sure that you are logged into your account, place your order, and during the checkout the discount that you have on file will automatically be applied to your order. There is no fee to participate in our Colony Cash Rewards program, ever! That's right - Lappe's Bee Supply doesn't believe in making you spend money to be part of a program that is supposed to save you money! Also, check out our Bargain Bin department on our website where we have numerous products on clearance.

How hard is it to keep honey bees?

Keeping honey bees is not hard, but it does take quite a bit of work and understanding. This isn't a hobby where you can just put the bees in the box and they magically take care of themselves with no more effort on your part!


Where can I buy high quality beekeeping supplies and honeybees at affordable prices?

At Lappe's Bee Supply online beekeeping store, of course! We offer an extensive line of beekeeping supplies and bee hive equipment and components, plus lots of extra products that any beekeeper could need! We have the biggest rewards system in the beekeeping industry at 3.2% back; we also have an experienced and knowledgeable staff who are willing to help you out with any of your beekeeping questions!!

Lappe's Bee Supply is a 2025 supplier producer and manufacturer of quality beekeeping supplies and honey bee supplies. Shop our complete line of the highest quality, most affordable beekeeping supplies today, and receive free shipping on most orders over $100! If you're looking for beekeeping supplies near me, Lappe's Bee Supply offers all of the bee keeping supplies you will need, plus we offer free shipping honey bee supplies to everywhere across the United States! We offer all of the fundamental beekeeping supplies a beekeeper needs, including Langstroth beehives and bee hive components in 8 frame and 10 frame; winter beekeeping supplies and Bee Cozy winter bee hive insulation wraps; a full line of beekeeping protective clothing and protective wear, including bee suits and ventilated bee jackets; and an extensive line of bee hive tools and hand tools, and beekeeping smokers and smoker fuel. Looking for varroa mite treatments for honey bee health? We carry honeybee medications and oxalic acid vaporizers for treating your honey bee colonies for varroa mites. Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy AP23 winter patties and AP23 spring pollen patties, along with front entrance feeders, in hive feeders, liquid bee feed and honey bee feed supplements and stimulants. We also supply an extensive catalog of honey harvesting extracting supplies and, if you're looking for a high quality, dependable and durable honey extractor, we carry some of the best extractors in the beekeepers industry! Looking for honey bee crafting supplies? We carry a wide range of supplies, including 100% pure 1 pound beeswax blocks, industrial grade bees wax, bulk beeswax blocks, white and yellow honey beeswax pellets, mead making supplies, candle making supplies and even pure beeswax candles! We also have a supply of just pure, delicious, light golden clover honey and raw honey in 12 pound gallon pails and bulk 60 pound buckets, and in 55 gallon drums and barrels.

Shop our online store for an unlimited supply of beekeeping items! PLUS! We have the largest rewards program in the beekeeping industry - AND - it's the easiest to use! No coupon codes needed! Just log into your account and place your order - our system will automatically deduct the cash amount of your rewards from your order during check out - it's as easy as that! Shop our online catalog today!

Beginning Beekeeping Supplies For Sale Free Shipping - Just starting out on your new first year's beekeeping adventure in 2025? Looking around for where to buy beginner beekeeping supplies for sale, free shipping in the USA? Lappe's Bee Supply has some of the best quality in depth starter kits on the market today that a hobbyist beekeeper will need, from the basic for those on a budget, on up to the full Honey Master that includes everything needed! Kits include painted, assembled and ready to use wooden Langstroth bee hives with Pierco Triple wax coated foundation in the frames, tools and protective clothing - all that you need to add are the honey bees! Review our 8 frame and 10 frame beginning beekeeping kits today! Free shipping to anywhere around the United States! Beginning Beekeeping supplies kits for sale for a new beekeeper in Louisiana!

Protective Clothing & Bee Suits For Sale - No matter if you're in need of a full bee suit, bee jacket, kids bee suits, new beekeeping gloves, or just a protective veil for a quick apiary inspection, we have you covered with everything needed to protect from stings! Try out our durable triple layered ventilated suits and jackets-the coolest in the industry!

Beekeeping Books & Magazines For Sale - Our large selection of beekeeping books has something for everyone, from the beginning beekeeper to the expert, hobbyist or commercial. Stay on top of current findings & news with subscriptions to the American Bee Journal and Bee Culture, the two most popular magazines in the beekeeping industry!

100% Pure Beeswax For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply is an Louisiana supplier of 100% pure beeswax. We have filtered and raw beeswax available in pellets, granules, beads, pastilles, chips, pearls; 1 pound blocks and in bulk 35 to 40 pound blocks. Yellow and white beeswax can be used in candle making, lubrication for archery bow strings, lip balm, soaps, crayons & also for some candy making, including jelly beans & gummy bears. Industrial grade is in furniture & shoe polish, woodworking & as a coating for surfboards. These are just a few of the used for beeswax; there are literally thousands of other uses for this versatile product of the bee hive! Free Shipping on bulk beeswax pellets and beeswax blocks! Pure raw filtered yellow white dark beeswax for sale in Louisiana.

Honey For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply is a supplier company of raw local honey for sale, located in the Midwest United States. Buy our delicious local honey online, it is available in various sizes from 2 oz. up to 60 pounds & in 55 gallon drums as well. We also offer our very popular, ultra smooth creamed honey & fresh bee pollen. Our honey is always pure honey, you can always be guaranteed that nothing is ever added - it comes to you straight from the comb! Honey for sale in Louisiana.

Migratory Pallets For Sale - Buy 8 frame or 10 frame migratory 4 way pallets to use for your bee hives and make moving your bees an easy job! Lift easily with fork lift and move to a different location. Our migratory pallets are built to be durable and work well for both back yard hobbyist and commercial beekeepers. Pallets can hold 4 bee hives. Migratory pallets from Lappe's Bee Supply are sturdy and well built. The top is constructed with an exterior grade 5/8" plywood panel, suitable for long term exposure to weather. The plywood has not been treated with pesticide, so it is non toxic to honey bees. The bottom is made from 2x4 and 5/8" lumber, both have been treated for long term ground contact exposure. Migratory pallets are screwed together with 2-1/2" screws. 4 "W" style pallet clips are installed on each pallet.

5 Frame, 8 Frame, 10 Frame Langstroth Bee Hives For Sale Free Shipping - Lappe's offers several different Langstroth beehives to fit each beekeepers budget, from first year's through experienced. We also offer the choice of a solid or screened bottom board, and all wooden frames in our honeybee hives are assembled with Pierco Triple wax coated foundation, which is the highest amount of wax coating available in the USA, exclusively from Lappe's Bee Supply - you (and your bees!) won't be disappointed! Langstroth bee hives for sale in Louisiana.

Winter Beekeeping Supplies For Sale- Protect your bees with our winter bee supplies and give them the best chance at winter survival that you can! With products like the Bee Cozy winter bee hive black insulation wraps / covers, the all important moisture boards, winter candy board feeders, metal entrance reducers / mouse guards, AP23 winter patties (the best on the market!), HiveAlive fondant patties winter honey bee feed, dry sugar bee feed, the ever popular bee hive winter quilt box with wood shavings, and our overwintering insulating heater boxes, we sell a complete line of winter beekeeping supplies with everything you need in 5 frame, 8 frame and 10 frame sizes to help get your honey bees ready for those long, cold winter months! Winter beekeeping supplies for sale in Louisiana.

Beekeeping Tools & Smokers For Sale - Choose from our extensive line of beekeeping tools and smokers, including: different sizes of bee smokers to fit your needs, copper smokers and kids smokers; bee brushes; swarm catcher bags; different styles of hive tools, including different colors of J Hook, EZ Pry, Beekeepers Best and standard economy hive tools available in multiple colors; frame grips; bee hive straps; some of the best types of smoker fuel available, including twine & burlap; and the best frame perch available on the market, with no welded pieces to break off!

Bee Feed & Feeders, Bee Medications, Queen Rearing Supplies For Sale - Looking for a certain style of bee feeder? Look no further than Lappe's Bee Supply! We offer lots of different styles of feeders, because feeding bees is a very crucial step of beekeeping, and there are so many different preferences as to how to feed them! Also included in this category are important treatments against Varroa mites and small hive beetles, and if you're thinking about raising your own queens, check out our extensive line of queen rearing supplies to get you going!

5 Frame, 8 Frame, 10 Frame Langstroth Bee Hive Components For Sale - We offer a large online selection of the highest quality beekeeping supplies - we have all of the bee keeping equipment needed for the hobbyist to the professional! Choose from 5 frame, 8 frame or 10 frame beehive components, assembled and unassembled bee hive frames, plastic one piece frames, and bee hive accessories. We also carry one of the top USA brands of beeswax coated plastic foundation - Pierco foundation, available in both double wax coated and triple wax coated! Try it today to see for yourself how well the bees like it!

Honey Extracting & Honey Bottling Supplies For Sale - Lappe's Bee Supply carries a full line of honey extracting & bottling equipment, including uncapping tools, harvesting supplies, comb honey tools, Maxant Honey Processing equipment, honey extractors & spinners, honey bottling tanks & supplies, honey filters, & an extensive selection of glass honey bottles & plastic honey containers - everything you need to process your honey harvest! Honey extracting bottling supplies equipment for sale in Louisiana.

Craft Supplies For Sale - From soap making and candle making, to lip balm and creamed honey, Lappe's Bee Supply has you covered for all of the products you need to use to produce your bee related crafts! Choose from our extensive line of soap molds, candle and wax molds; candle wax dye blocks and chips; creamed honey flavorings and creamed honey mixers; candle wicks; mead making kits; decorative candle lids; wax melting pots and more!

Louisiana Queenline Skep Muth Honey Bear Glass and Plastic Honey Containers For Sale In Louisiana Free Shipping

We have a huge online catalog of both glass honey bottles and plastic honey containers for selling honey in. Lappe's Bee Supply is where to buy any type of honey container that you could ever need, and in every size imaginable, including 2 ounce, 8 ounce, 12 ounce, 16 ounce, 24 ounce, 2 pound, 3 pound, 5 pound and 1 gallon. We offer plastic honey bottles in cases of 50, and also in bulk packs for customers who need larger quantities. Looking for different styles of honey containers? We offer Queenline glass containers, Muth honey jars, Skep glass honey bottles, glass bear honey containers, glass Hex jars and glass Mason jars. In our plastic honey container line, we offer plastic honey bear containers, Queen Line plastic bottles, Skep plastic jars, Beehive plastic honey containers, creamed honey containers, Inverted hex plastic honey bottles, Embossed honeycomb plastic jugs and cylinder honey bottles.

All of our glass and plastic honey containers are food grade and work for many different applications. Our customers buy our containers mainly for honey, but they can also be used for syrups, sauces and marinades. We have even had teachers buy our containers for handy and clean paint dispensers! If using our containers for liquids, please remember that our bottles are listed for honey weight, which is heavier than liquid weighs. For example, a container that holds 12 ounces of honey will hold only 8 ounces of water.

We also offer food grade plastic pails and buckets in numerous sizes, including 1 gallon, 2 gallon, 3-1/2 gallon, 4 gallon, 5 gallon and 6 gallon. There are 4 different grades of food grade plastic pails, and we have made sure to choose the ones made from high-density polyethylene, which is the best type to use! These pails work wonderfully for storing your surplus honey! When your honey granulates, all you need to do is gently heat the whole pail with a bucket warmer, or simply scoop out the amount needed and lightly heat above a hot water bath on the stove. Our plastic pails also work well for many other jobs as well, such as agricultural uses, hunting, fishing, and for storing surplus foods other than honey.




Louisiana Beekeeping Associations & Bee Clubs

At Lappe's Bee Supply, we are enthusiastic with spreading the knowledge of beekeeping to everyone. One of the best ways to gather information is to join a local beekeeping club. Many customers ask us, where can I find Louisiana beekeeping clubs near me? Below are online listings for beekeeping clubs in Louisiana.

If you would like to have your club information added to our list, please click this link to fill out and submit the form. *Please note: if you are hosting a beekeeping conference or seminar, or a weekly / monthly bee club, and you would like some donations and our company literature hand outs, we would be more than happy to send them to you. Please fill out the information at the above link and include the club name, date of conference / meeting, how many attendees are expected, and the address to send everything to. Thank you!

Louisiana Beekeepers Association

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Louisiana Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Louisiana Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Acadiana Beekeepers Association

Carencro Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Acadiana Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Ark-La-Tex Beekeepers Club, Shreveport Bossier

Shreveport Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Ark-La-Tex Beekeepers Club on Facebook


Ascension Parish Beekeeper’s Association

St. James Parish Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Ascension Parish Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Bayou Beekeepers

Jennings Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Bayou Beekeepers on Facebook


Beekeepers of River Region

Covington Louisiana

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the White Lick Beekeepers Association website


Beekeepers of Tangi-Lamington

Abita Springs Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Beekeepers of Tangi-Lamington on Facebook


Beekeepers of Washington Parish

Franklinton Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Beekeepers of Washington Parish on Facebook


Capital Area Beekeepers Association

Baton Rouge Louisiana

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Capital Area Beekeepers Association website

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Capital Area Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Cenla Beekeeping Club

Alexandria Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Cenla Beekeeping Club on Facebook


Hill Country Beekeepers

West Monroe Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Hill Country Beekeepers on Facebook


Lake Area Beekeepers

Lake Charles Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Lake Area Beekeepers on Facebook


Lincoln Parish Beekeepers

Ruston Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Lincoln Parish Beekeepers on Facebook


Miss - Lou Beekeepers Association

Natchez Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Miss - Lou Beekeepers Association on Facebook


Natchitoches Beekeepers Club

Natchitoches Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Natchitoches Beekeepers Club on Facebook


Natural Beekeeping Club North West Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the Natural Beekeeping Club North West Louisiana on Facebook


New Orleans Beekeepers

New Orleans Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the New Orleans Beekeepers on Facebook


St. Helena Beekeeper’s Club

Greensburg Louisiana

beekeeping supplies honey bee supplies  Find the St. Helena Beekeeper’s Club on Facebook


Southeast Louisiana Beekeepers

Covington Louisiana

Beekeeping Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply  Buzz on over to visit the Southeast Louisiana Beekeepers website


Lappe's Bee Supply beekeeping family since 1978 helping beekeepers keep bees free shipping most orders


Contact Us

Questions? Comments? We can be reached by phone during business hours at 641-728-4361, or send us an email to We are always happy to talk with you! Do you have beekeeping issues that you would like to figure out? Contact us and we’ll help! We have a strong background in beekeeping, with over 35 years of experience! Learn how to become a producer of sweet honey from Lappe's Bee Supply! Regardless if you are located in the Midwest United States, the West Coast, the East Coast, the Southern States, or the Mountain areas in between in the USA, we have the beekeeping supplies and bee hives you need! We want to help you on your long, exciting journey in every way that we can to be well educated and get into the fast lane for successful beekeeping!



We ship to beekeepers in the following beekeeping cities near me in the state of Louisiana listings for queen honey bees supply results for beekeeping honeybee supplies for sale free shipping most orders over $100 around the United States: │Abbeville  70510 
│Abita Springs  70420 
│Acme  71316 
│Addis  70710 
│Aimwell  71401 
│Akers  70421 
│Albany  70711 
│Alexandria  71301 
│Ama  70031 
│Amelia  70340 
│Amite  70422 
│Anacoco  71403 
│Angie  70426 
│Angola  70712 
│Arabi  70032 
│Arcadia  71001 
│Archibald  71218 
│Arnaudville  70512 
│Ashland  71002 
│Athens  71003 
│Atlanta  71404 
│Avery Island  70513 
│Baker  70704 
│Baldwin  70514 
│Ball  71405 
│Barataria  70036 
│Barksdale Afb  71110 
│Basile  70515 
│Baskin  71219 
│Bastrop  71220 
│Batchelor  70715 
│Baton Rouge  70801 
│Belcher  71004 
│Bell City  70630 
│Belle Chasse  70037 
│Belle Rose  70341 
│Belmont  71406 
│Bentley  71407 
│Benton  71006 
│Bernice  71222 
│Berwick  70342 
│Bethany  71007 
│Bienville  71008 
│Blanchard  71009 
│Bogalusa  70427 
│Bonita  71223 
│Boothville  70038 
│Bordelonville  71320 
│Bossier City  71111 
│Bourg  70343 
│Boutte  70039 
│Boyce  71409 
│Braithwaite  70040 
│Branch  70516 
│Breaux Bridge  70517 
│Brittany  70718 
│Broussard  70518 
│Brusly  70719 
│Bunkie  71322 
│Buras  70041 
│Burnside  70738 
│Bush  70431 
│Cade  70519 
│Calhoun  71225 
│Calvin  71410 
│Cameron  70631 
│Campti  71411 
│Carencro  70520 
│Carville  70721 
│Castor  71016 
│Cecilia  70521 
│Center Point  71323 
│Centerville  70522 
│Chalmette  70043 
│Charenton  70523 
│Chase  71324 
│Chataignier  70524 
│Chatham  71226 
│Chauvin  70344 
│Cheneyville  71325 
│Choudrant  71227 
│Church Point  70525 
│Clarence  71414 
│Clarks  71415 
│Clayton  71326 
│Clinton  70722 
│Cloutierville  71416 
│Colfax  71417 
│Collinston  71229 
│Columbia  71418 
│Convent  70723 
│Converse  71419 
│Cotton Valley  71018 
│Cottonport  71327 
│Coushatta  71019 
│Covington  70433 
│Creole  70632 
│Crowley  70526 
│Crowville  71230 
│Cullen  71021 
│Cut Off  70345 
│Darrow  70725 
│Delcambre  70528 
│Delhi  71232 
│Delta  71233 
│Denham Springs  70706 
│Dequincy  70633 
│Deridder  70634 
│Des Allemands  70030 
│Destrehan  70047 
│Deville  71328 
│Dodson  71422 
│Donaldsonville  70346 
│Donner  70352 
│Downsville  71234 
│Doyline  71023 
│Dry Creek  70637 
│Dry Prong  71423 
│Dubach  71235 
│Dubberly  71024 
│Dulac  70353 
│Duplessis  70728 
│Dupont  71329 
│Duson  70529 
│East Point  71025 
│Echo  71330 
│Edgard  70049 
│Effie  71331 
│Egan  70531 
│Elizabeth  70638 
│Elm Grove  71051 
│Elmer  71424 
│Elton  70532 
│Empire  70050 
│Enterprise  71425 
│Epps  71237 
│Erath  70533 
│Eros  71238 
│Erwinville  70729 
│Estherwood  70534 
│Ethel  70730 
│Eunice  70535 
│Evangeline  70537 
│Evans  70639 
│Evergreen  71333 
│Fairbanks  71240 
│Farmerville  71241 
│Fenton  70640 
│Ferriday  71334 
│Fisher  71426 
│Flatwoods  71427 
│Flora  71428 
│Florien  71429 
│Fluker  70436 
│Folsom  70437 
│Fordoche  70732 
│Forest  71242 
│Forest Hill  71430 
│Fort Necessity  71243 
│Franklin  70538 
│Franklinton  70438 
│French Settlement  70733 
│Frierson  71027 
│Galliano  70354 
│Garden City  70540 
│Gardner  71431 
│Garyville  70051 
│Geismar  70734 
│Georgetown  71432 
│Gheens  70355 
│Gibsland  71028 
│Gibson  70356 
│Gilbert  71336 
│Gilliam  71029 
│Glenmora  71433 
│Gloster  71030 
│Glynn  70736 
│Golden Meadow  70357 
│Goldonna  71031 
│Gonzales  70707 
│Gorum  71434 
│Grambling  71245 
│Gramercy  70052 
│Grand Cane  71032 
│Grand Chenier  70643 
│Grand Coteau  70541 
│Grand Isle  70358 
│Grant  70644 
│Gray  70359 
│Grayson  71435 
│Greensburg  70441 
│Greenwell Springs  70739 
│Greenwood  71033 
│Gretna  70053 
│Grosse Tete  70740 
│Gueydan  70542 
│Hackberry  70645 
│Hahnville  70057 
│Hall Summit  71034 
│Hamburg  71339 
│Hammond  70401 
│Harmon  71036 
│Harrisonburg  71340 
│Harvey  70058 
│Haughton  71037 
│Hayes  70646 
│Haynesville  71038 
│Heflin  71039 
│Hessmer  71341 
│Hester  70743 
│Hineston  71438 
│Hodge  71247 
│Holden  70744 
│Homer  71040 
│Hornbeck  71439 
│Hosston  71043 
│Houma  70360 
│Husser  70442 
│Ida  71044 
│Independence  70443 
│Innis  70747 
│Iota  70543 
│Iowa  70647 
│Jackson  70748 
│Jamestown  71045 
│Jarreau  70749 
│Jeanerette  70544 
│Jena  71342 
│Jennings  70546 
│Jigger  71249 
│Jones  71250 
│Jonesboro  71251 
│Jonesville  71343 
│Joyce  71440 
│Kaplan  70548 
│Keatchie  71046 
│Keithville  71047 
│Kelly  71441 
│Kenner  70062 
│Kentwood  70444 
│Kilbourne  71253 
│Kinder  70648 
│Kraemer  70371 
│Krotz Springs  70750 
│Kurthwood  71443 
│La Place  70068 
│Labadieville  70372 
│Lacassine  70650 
│Lacombe  70445 
│Lafayette  70501 
│Lafitte  70067 
│Lake Arthur  70549 
│Lake Charles  70601 
│Lake Providence  71254 
│Lakeland  70752 
│Larose  70373 
│Lawtell  70550 
│Lebeau  71345 
│Leblanc  70651 
│Lecompte  71346 
│Leesville  71446 
│Lena  71447 
│Leonville  70551 
│Lettsworth  70753 
│Libuse  71348 
│Lillie  71256 
│Lisbon  71048 
│Livingston  70754 
│Livonia  70755 
│Lockport  70374 
│Logansport  71049 
│Longleaf  71448 
│Longstreet  71050 
│Longville  70652 
│Loranger  70446 
│Loreauville  70552 
│Lottie  70756 
│Luling  70070 
│Lutcher  70071 
│Lydia  70569 
│Madisonville  70447 
│Mamou  70554 
│Mandeville  70448 
│Mangham  71259 
│Mansfield  71052 
│Mansura  71350 
│Many  71449 
│Maringouin  70757 
│Marion  71260 
│Marksville  71351 
│Marrero  70072 
│Marthaville  71450 
│Mathews  70375 
│Maurepas  70449 
│Maurice  70555 
│Melrose  71452 
│Melville  71353 
│Mer Rouge  71261 
│Meraux  70075 
│Mermentau  70556 
│Merryville  70653 
│Metairie  70001 
│Milton  70558 
│Minden  71055 
│Mittie  70654 
│Monroe  71201 
│Montegut  70377 
│Monterey  71354 
│Montgomery  71454 
│Mooringsport  71060 
│Mora  71455 
│Moreauville  71355 
│Morgan City  70380 
│Morganza  70759 
│Morrow  71356 
│Morse  70559 
│Mount Airy  70076 
│Mount Hermon  70450 
│Napoleonville  70390 
│Natalbany  70451 
│Natchez  71456 
│Natchitoches  71457 
│Negreet  71460 
│New Iberia  70560 
│New Orleans  70112 
│New Roads  70760 
│New Sarpy  70078 
│Newellton  71357 
│Newllano  71461 
│Noble  71462 
│Norco  70079 
│Norwood  70761 
│Oak Grove  71263 
│Oak Ridge  71264 
│Oakdale  71463 
│Oberlin  70655 
│Oil City  71061 
│Olla  71465 
│Opelousas  70570 
│Oscar  70762 
│Otis  71466 
│Paincourtville  70391 
│Palmetto  71358 
│Paradis  70080 
│Patterson  70392 
│Paulina  70763 
│Pearl River  70452 
│Pelican  71063 
│Perry  70575 
│Pierre Part  70339 
│Pilottown  70081 
│Pine Grove  70453 
│Pine Prairie  70576 
│Pineville  71359 
│Pioneer  71266 
│Pitkin  70656 
│Plain Dealing  71064 
│Plaquemine  70764 
│Plattenville  70393 
│Plaucheville  71362 
│Pleasant Hill  71065 
│Pointe A La Hache  70082 
│Pollock  71467 
│Ponchatoula  70454 
│Port Allen  70767 
│Port Barre  70577 
│Port Sulphur  70083 
│Powhatan  71066 
│Prairieville  70769 
│Pride  70770 
│Princeton  71067 
│Provencal  71468 
│Quitman  71268 
│Raceland  70394 
│Ragley  70657 
│Rayne  70578 
│Rayville  71269 
│Reddell  70580 
│Reeves  70658 
│Reserve  70084 
│Rhinehart  71363 
│Ringgold  71068 
│Roanoke  70581 
│Robeline  71469 
│Robert  70455 
│Rodessa  71069 
│Rosedale  70772 
│Roseland  70456 
│Rosepine  70659 
│Rougon  70773 
│Ruby  71365 
│Ruston  71270 
│Saint Amant  70774 
│Saint Benedict  70457 
│Saint Bernard  70085 
│Saint Francisville  70775 
│Saint Gabriel  70776 
│Saint James  70086 
│Saint Joseph  71366 
│Saint Landry  71367 
│Saint Martinville  70582 
│Saint Maurice  71471 
│Saint Rose  70087 
│Saline  71070 
│Sarepta  71071 
│Schriever  70395 
│Scott  70583 
│Shongaloo  71072 
│Shreveport  71101 
│Sibley  71073 
│Sicily Island  71368 
│Sieper  71472 
│Sikes  71473 
│Simmesport  71369 
│Simpson  71474 
│Simsboro  71275 
│Singer  70660 
│Slagle  71475 
│Slaughter  70777 
│Slidell  70458 
│Sondheimer  71276 
│Sorrento  70778 
│Spearsville  71277 
│Springfield  70462 
│Springhill  71075 
│Starks  70661 
│Start  71279 
│Sterlington  71280 
│Stonewall  71078 
│Sugartown  70662 
│Sulphur  70663 
│Summerfield  71079 
│Sun  70463 
│Sunset  70584 
│Sunshine  70780 
│Swartz  71281 
│Talisheek  70464 
│Tallulah  71282 
│Tangipahoa  70465 
│Taylor  71080 
│Theriot  70397 
│Thibodaux  70301 
│Tickfaw  70466 
│Tioga  71477 
│Transylvania  71286 
│Trout  71371 
│Tullos  71479 
│Tunica  70782 
│Turkey Creek  70585 
│Uncle Sam  70792 
│Urania  71480 
│Vacherie  70090 
│Varnado  70467 
│Venice  70091 
│Ventress  70783 
│Vidalia  71373 
│Ville Platte  70586 
│Vinton  70668 
│Violet  70092 
│Vivian  71082 
│Wakefield  70784 
│Walker  70785 
│Washington  70589 
│Waterproof  71375 
│Watson  70786 
│Welsh  70591 
│West Monroe  71291 
│Westlake  70669 
│Westwego  70094 
│Weyanoke  70787 
│White Castle  70788 
│Wildsville  71377 
│Wilson  70789 
│Winnfield  71483 
│Winnsboro  71295 
│Wisner  71378 
│Woodworth  71485 
│Youngsville  70592 
│Zachary  70791 
│Zwolle  71486 || Lappe's Bee Supply offers free shipping for most orders over $100 to the following counties in the state of Louisiana: │Acadia Parish 
│Allen Parish 
│Ascension Parish 
│Assumption Parish 
│Avoyelles Parish 
│Beauregard Parish 
│Bienville Parish 
│Bossier Parish 
│Caddo Parish 
│Calcasieu Parish 
│Caldwell Parish 
│Cameron Parish 
│Catahoula Parish 
│Claiborne Parish 
│Concordia Parish 
│DeSoto Parish 
│East Baton Rouge Parish 
│East Carroll Parish 
│East Feliciana Parish 
│Evangeline Parish 
│Franklin Parish 
│Grant Parish 
│Iberia Parish 
│Iberville Parish 
│Jackson Parish 
│Jefferson Parish 
│Jefferson Davis Parish 
│Lafayette Parish 
│Lafourche Parish 
│LaSalle Parish 
│Lincoln Parish 
│Livingston Parish 
│Madison Parish 
│Morehouse Parish 
│Natchitoches Parish 
│Orleans Parish 
│Ouachita Parish 
│Plaquemines Parish 
│Pointe Coupee Parish 
│Rapides Parish 
│Red River Parish 
│Richland Parish 
│Sabine Parish 
│Saint Bernard Parish 
│Saint Charles Parish 
│Saint Helena Parish 
│Saint James Parish 
│Saint John the Baptist Parish 
│Saint Landry Parish 
│Saint Martin Parish 
│Saint Mary Parish 
│Saint Tammany Parish 
│Tangipahoa Parish 
│Tensas Parish 
│Terrebonne Parish 
│Union Parish 
│Vermilion Parish 
│Vernon Parish 
│Washington Parish 
│Webster Parish 
│West Baton Rouge Parish 
│West Carroll Parish 
│West Feliciana Parish 
│Winn Parish

Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply
Beekeeping Supplies Honey Bee Supplies Lappe's Bee Supply